Mythic Monday: Rune of the Day – Inguz

Divination is a way to focus on what matters. It allows us to gain insight into the ripe possibilities of the moment and is best used as a type of meditative effort. With their symbolism and kinship with long ago Scandinavian and Germanic cultures, runes are a fascinating method. From the bag of runes, we… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Rune of the Day – Inguz

Mythic Monday: Skadi, Winter Goddess

Skadi is the Norse goddess of winter and the hunt. Daughter of frost giants, some scholars maintain that Scandinavia is named after her. Skadi married the summer god Njord after choosing him from a lineup of gods. The kicker was that she had to select her future husband by looking only at the feet of… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Skadi, Winter Goddess

Hump Day Hook

“Soone as the Faerie heard his Ladie speake, Out of his swowning dreame he gan awake.” The Faerie Queene, EdmundSpenser. Welcome to the 17th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of HDH authors here. Everyone would appreciate a comment and for their post to… Continue reading Hump Day Hook

Hump Day Hook

Welcome to the 5th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of HDH hook authors here. Everyone would love a comment. Join the HDH page on Facebook. This is one of the beings Ingvar encounters after the Grims transport him to a dark dimension in Wytchfae Runes:… Continue reading Hump Day Hook

Hump Day Hook

Welcome to the 4th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of HDH hook authors here. Everyone would love a comment. Join the HDH page on Facebook. Last week’s post showcased a secondary character, the ghost Hyge. Today let’s see how he reacts when Kelly enlists his… Continue reading Hump Day Hook

Hump Day Hook

For Hump Day Hook I am sharing a snippet from my new release, Wytchfae Runes. The Viking Ingvar is battle weary after a confrontation with the evil sorceress Skada and some of the netherworld’s less pleasant inhabitants. He perks up when faery witch Kelly enters the room. In one of the bedchambers of the Guardian… Continue reading Hump Day Hook