Hump Day Hook 1/29/14

LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! How exciting to resume the Hump Day Hook blog project, where a number of talented authors post one paragraph from a published novel or WIP. It is such fun to read everyone’s work. Our intrepid organizer, Kerrianne Coombes, scheduled this week’s excerpt to be an action sequence. My selection is from Mind Your… Continue reading Hump Day Hook 1/29/14

Blushing Excerpt

I’m a romance writer, and I reckon my own words shouldn’t make me blush. However, there is a certain scene in Guardian of the Deep that affects me that way. I shared it on the Time for Love site today, where the book is featured. A thousand thanks to all of you who voted for… Continue reading Blushing Excerpt

Time For Love Readers’ Choice Award

Huge thanks to those who voted for Guardian of the Deep for the January Readers’ Choice Award on Christina Cole’s site, Time For Love. I appreciate it more than I can say. You are special people. The process started as a number of authors submitted a book cover and book description in 25 words of… Continue reading Time For Love Readers’ Choice Award

Torchy Tuesday: Dark Guardian Eshigel

For this Torchy Tuesday I can’t resist showcasing Epona’s eternal lover Eshigel, dark Guardian of the Between. His domain might be dim and uninviting except for the fact that he is there! He and Epona have both traversed the fires of hell for each another, and neither one is about to let go now.  

Bee’s Knees Cocktail for Release Day

I can’t believe that my third book comes out today! I am on author and friend Catherine Green’s blog today talking about Mind Your Goddess – Wytchfae 3.   You can take a peek and see the opening paragraph as well as a teaser paragraph. Nothing like whetting the appetite for the sexy hero!… Continue reading Bee’s Knees Cocktail for Release Day

Does a Snake Have Hips?

Are you the bee’s knees or the snake’s hips? Fellow Secret Cravings author and friend Jillian Chantal is hosting me on her blog today to talk about my newest book, Mind Your Goddess, and to share a some Roaring 20’s slang!

Halloween Birthday John Keats

Happy Halloween Birthday to John Keats! For your enjoyment here are a few lines from his poem Lamia. A lamia is part woman, part serpent, and in homage to Keats (not to mention the creatures are cool) one appears in my paranormal dark fantasy romance, Mind Your Goddess – Wytchfae 3, coming out in December from Secret… Continue reading Halloween Birthday John Keats

Barbara Vey’s Giveaway

It pleases me to participate in Barbara Vey’s book giveaway on her Publisher’s Weekly blog, Beyond Her Book. Numerous books are up for grabs, including Wytchfae Runes. The story of the Wytchfae, Kelly, and her Viking, Ingvar, is a perfect match for the upcoming holidays. Enter now!

Hump Day Hook

“Soone as the Faerie heard his Ladie speake, Out of his swowning dreame he gan awake.” The Faerie Queene, EdmundSpenser. Welcome to the 17th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of HDH authors here. Everyone would appreciate a comment and for their post to… Continue reading Hump Day Hook