Hump Day Hook

Ghost?! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Welcome to the 10th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of splendid HDH hook authors here. Everyone would love a comment and for their post to be liked and tweeted. Join the HDH Facebook page.

The following is from Wytchfae – Runes, the first book in the Wytchfae series. Faery witch Kelly is working hard to transition the spirit Cora to her afterlife, when intruders appear:

Kelly jumped as raging howls pierced the air. The coyote lunged at the Viking, who gripped hanks of fur. Her heart thumping, Kelly prayed the Viking kept the beast from tearing out his throat. With grunts and snarls, the two fell to the ground fighting. Harsh popping sounds drew Kelly’s attention from the battle. Electrical flares skittered across the circle, knocking Kelly and Cora to the HumpDayHooklogoground.

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. So what happens when you throw a witch faery, a Viking, a spirit, and a coyote all together and then add some electrical flares? Chaos, that’s what, but written so very well. Great job! I could see everything as it was happening. I have to say, I would be scared if I was that coyote…you just don’t mess with a Viking. 😉 Great hook!

  2. Very nice descriptions on the action. I can see it unfolding. Wonder if they’ll be able to fight off the coyote. Nice hook!

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