Fae Friday: Surprising Magical Mothers

Happy Mother’s Day! For the occasion, let’s honor three of the most ancient and iconic mothers. Ana / Anu / Danu  is the most ancient Celtic goddess. After the Celts conquered Ireland and created their own unique and high level culture there, Ana gave birth to the band of fairy immortals we know and love… Continue reading Fae Friday: Surprising Magical Mothers

Fae Friday: Beltane Lady

Mother of Hermes! and still youthful Maia! John Keats These days, flowers blossom in reckless abandon, and colors grace my sight. When I open the front or back door, the world is filled with the scent of jasmine–mysterious, sweet, and tantalizing. New ideas germinate in my mind. Vivid stories appear on the page. Springtime energy… Continue reading Fae Friday: Beltane Lady

Fae Friday: Spenser’s Belphoebe

What is more wondrous and expressive of spring’s energetic regeneration than a lovely verse and exquisite painting? Her name means Beautiful Moon. But to this fair Belphoebe in her Birth The Heavens so favourable were and free, Looking with mild Aspect upon the Earth, In th’ Horoscope of her Nativity, That all the Gifts of… Continue reading Fae Friday: Spenser’s Belphoebe

Fae Friday: Moon Blows Fairy Kisses

Do you see Jupiter above and slightly to the right of the moon, our gorgeous Selene? In astrological terms, it’s conjunct. A few days ago we were graced with a glorious full moon in Libra and Jupiter rising close by, with focus on balance, passion, compassion, partnerships, and soul deep beauty. I drove all around town… Continue reading Fae Friday: Moon Blows Fairy Kisses

Fae Friday: Amp up Your Fantasy Novel with Spirit Horses

Fantasy creatures come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Regardless of the fantasy genre you write, whether paranormal as my books are, or high, low, historical, dark, urban, etc., there may come a time when you are in need of a little extra something. Done right, spirit horses can be an espresso shot to a… Continue reading Fae Friday: Amp up Your Fantasy Novel with Spirit Horses

Fae Friday: Rune of the Day – Inguz

Inner self, higher self, higher power, spirit, angels, goddess, fae, source. There are many names for the sacred wisdom threaded throughout our reality. My old metaphysical teacher called it Spirit, and that’s how I tend to refer to it most times. We can call on the underlying wisdom to guide us. How does it answer?… Continue reading Fae Friday: Rune of the Day – Inguz

Fae Friday: Demeter’s Joy

DEMETER’S JOY Most of us have lost someone dear in our lives, whether a husband, child, parent, or friend. The hurt is unbearable. We can understand Demeter’s deep, gut wrenching sorrow at the sudden, stark disappearance of her beloved daughter Persephone, taken by the dark lord of the Underworld. In her misery the world turned… Continue reading Fae Friday: Demeter’s Joy

Fae Friday: Rune of the Day – Dagaz

Inner self, higher self, higher power, spirit, angels, goddess, fae, source. There are many names for the sacred wisdom underlying all. My old metaphysical teacher called it Spirit, and that’s how I tend to refer to it most times. We can call on it to guide us. How does it answer? The ways are countless,… Continue reading Fae Friday: Rune of the Day – Dagaz

Fae Friday: Dilemma and Dilemna

Dilemma and Dilemna Have you ever known something as a fact and then found out with a fearsome shock that you are off the mark? And that thousands of other people are also off the mark about the same thing? That’s me and the word dilemma, which I learned in elementary school to spell dilemna.… Continue reading Fae Friday: Dilemma and Dilemna

Fae Friday: Winter Sun and Imbolc

WINTER SUN AND IMBOLC How soon can we shed these winter blues? Pack away our overcoats and not worry about the specter of busted water pipes? On Groundhog Day we call upon Punxsutawney Phil, the famous weather-predicting groundhog to make his move. Yesterday he saw his shadow, which foretells six more bleak weeks of winter.… Continue reading Fae Friday: Winter Sun and Imbolc