Fae Friday: Amp Up Your Fantasy Novel with Nature Spirits

Mythology is a fertile cauldron for fantasy stories. In my books I love to give a unique twist to age old names, ideas, and images. For example, in several of my books the Norse frost giantess Skadi becomes the powerful sorceress Skada. Here are some little known nature deities that can be incorporated into your… Continue reading Fae Friday: Amp Up Your Fantasy Novel with Nature Spirits

Fae Friday: Amp up Your Fantasy Novel with Spirit Horses

Fantasy creatures come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Regardless of the fantasy genre you write, whether paranormal as my books are, or high, low, historical, dark, urban, etc., there may come a time when you are in need of a little extra something. Done right, spirit horses can be an espresso shot to a… Continue reading Fae Friday: Amp up Your Fantasy Novel with Spirit Horses