The Goddess Epona is all set for a rendezvous with her lover Eshigel, the dark Guardian of the Between, when Fate intervenes in the form of a pissed off succubus who steals Epona’s powers and plops her back in time to the Roaring 20’s. Can our Goddess find the inner strength to cope with a… Continue reading Even Goddesses Have Bad Days
Author: Flossie Benton Rogers
Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.
Wassail at Winter Solstice
Wassail is a heavenly concoction of spiced cider and brandy prepared for Winter Solstice and other holy occasions. Wassail also refers to the toast or greeting that accompanies the drink. Hold your glass high and shout, “Wassail!” To go wassailing is to travel from house to house singing (caroling) and sharing the drink. Another form… Continue reading Wassail at Winter Solstice
Vintage Friday: Old Fashioned Plum Pudding
As the nursery rhyme goes, Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie. He put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum, and said, “What a good boy am I!” I’m thinking Jack delved into the mincemeat pie or plum pudding, both traditionally made with suet. In case you aren’t familiar with… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Old Fashioned Plum Pudding
Author Island Today
Huge thanks to Author Island for hosting me today. DeNita Tuttle is the cat’s meow! Please stop by the launch and also the Facebook party and have a Bee’s Knees cocktail with me to celebrate the release of book 3 in the Wytchfae series, Mind Your Goddess. You might win your own free copy!… Continue reading Author Island Today
The Darkness of Love
My fellow author and friend Catherine Green writes delicious stories about vampires and other supernatural creatures. I love her books! Her newest one The Darkness of Love has now been published. For a chance to win your own copy, leave a comment and your email address on this blog. THE DARKNESS OF LOVE Opening Line:… Continue reading The Darkness of Love
Torchy Tuesday: Red Diamond
Writers are often asked what books inspire them. One novel that I read long ago and have never forgotten is Red Diamond by vintage Australian romance author Dorothy Cork. I have mentioned it on here before as a title that stays by my bedside and in my mind. Red is a rough and tumble rancher… Continue reading Torchy Tuesday: Red Diamond
Bee’s Knees Cocktail for Release Day
I can’t believe that my third book comes out today! I am on author and friend Catherine Green’s blog today talking about Mind Your Goddess – Wytchfae 3. You can take a peek and see the opening paragraph as well as a teaser paragraph. Nothing like whetting the appetite for the sexy hero!… Continue reading Bee’s Knees Cocktail for Release Day
Does a Snake Have Hips?
Are you the bee’s knees or the snake’s hips? Fellow Secret Cravings author and friend Jillian Chantal is hosting me on her blog today to talk about my newest book, Mind Your Goddess, and to share a some Roaring 20’s slang!
Vintage Friday: Dreaming of a Blue Christmas
On this Saint Nicholas Day, I am thinking about old times. An azure tree with sparkling blue lights remains one of my favorite childhood Christmas memories. My mother ran a restaurant in a small town, and we lived in rooms behind the business. At that point my sister had married and my brother sailed the… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Dreaming of a Blue Christmas
Cover Reveal
Coming December 13, 2013 MIND YOUR GODDESS – WYTCHFAE 3 Cool jazz & hot kisses… The Goddess Epona awakens in the Roaring 20’s. Can this flapper summon the razzle dazzle to reclaim her powers and the heart of her dark Guardian?