Vikings, Ogres, and Witches by Flossie Benton Rogers

Recently I was nominated by the lovely author Carmen Stefanescu to participate in the Tour Through Blogland. In turn I nominated Jennifer Taylor and Ronnie Allen.WritingMannCROPPED They both did a great job of carrying on the torch. In my segment on Carmen’s blog, I answered 4 questions about my writing process. Today I share those here, along with some of my favorite writing quotes.

1) Are you more plot or character driven in your writing process and why?
WritingbloodCROPPEDPlot driven. The stories I am called to write are adventurous, quick moving, and flush with surprising twists and turns. The heroes and heroines are otherworldly–Viking ghosts, guardians, goddesses, ogres, witches, fairies, and demons. They possess humanlike attributes and personalities, while exploring the depths of their unique abilities and powers. My characters must deal with challenges on the human earth world and other realities. Their lives don’t always unfold like a blossom opening to the sun. Sometimes a solar flare erupts and fries the pristine bud. Sometimes the flower morphs into a breathtaking, witchy siren. My characters seek beauty in the midst of darkness and devotion in the midst of bedlam. Simmering below it all is the immutable flame of eternal love. 

2)Where do you find most of your inspiration?
WritingbelieveCROPPEDBy turn, in grandiose and inconspicuous places. Sources of inspiration are everywhere. I’m stirred by the mythologies of the world and the fairy tales I read as a child. Nature engenders sparks of stories, from the faces I see amid the trees to the jeweled brilliance of the night sky. People, places, events. Music, lyrics, dreams. All the world is alive and waiting to whisper the tales we come to think of as our own. 

3)Do you work on more than one project at a time?
Yes, what happens is that during the writing of a book, one or more secondary characters will begin asking for their stories to be told. I try not to work in a haphazard fashion, but neither is it a linear fashion. I enjoy the energy of having numerous characters come to life at any given time to star in their own books. I also enjoy planning other series and getting to know characters from different worlds. WritingBeCROPPED

4)Do you stick to a projected storyline or do you let a story flow and take its own life?
WritingfaithCROPPEDA blend of both. I like to plan and plot and then allow for the characters or the chaos muse to take the story in an unanticipated direction. As a writer, the initial planning provides a tether so that I’m not always floating in the stratosphere, while the openness to change gives life and liveliness to the project. I like a good surprise too. 

Thanks so much for visiting. What is your favorite writing quote or saying?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Romance  


By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Flossie, it’s interesting seeing how you work. I’m much more of a character-driven than plot-driven writer, but like you, I do a little plotting and then allow the characters to take over. I liked your description of the “chaos muse” being a guiding factor, LOL. Also love your writing quote!

    1. I too think it’s a blend, Mae, with the characters taking the reins as the writer gets into the story. My characters and what happens to them seem inexorably entwined to me, as if they had to experience that moment of richness, that breath of desire. Maybe one story should be about the Fates!

  2. I always love to read how other authors work, how they find their “muse”, what triggers them into writing, etc. I learn something from their experience too.
    Beautiful quotes. Thanks for sharing!
    My favorites are:
    “Easy reading is damn hard writing.”
    ―Nathaniel Hawthorne
    “The desire to write grows with writing.”
    ―Desiderius Erasmus

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