Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a dedicated group that enjoys reading as much as you do. Today our word prompt is seeds. My snippet is from a dark fantasy romance in which the heroine’s sister has been kidnapped. When you’re done here, please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.
“Mother of all, ancient heart, ancient mind, keep us safe in the light as we journey through the night.”
From the east, she walked into the middle of the circle and faced north.
Legs braced, she drew in several deep breaths and centered herself. Briskly rubbing together mitten-clad palms to heighten the flow of energy within her body, she chanted opening words of praise and supplication to Mother Earth in whose frozen bower she played. Deep underground, she sensed winter’s sleep beginning to subside and give way to seeds of spring. Soon the white landscape would ripple with green shoots and riots of color. She swayed from side to side, feeling the measured, immense heartbeat of the earth beneath her. Like a bass drum it sounded in her senses. Her heartbeat slowed to match.
She warmed and relaxed as she slipped into an altered state, alpha brain waves opening to the legacy of her witch heritage, as well as her faery lifeblood. That blood flowed and surged, a powerful river within her. It called to the ancient world of faery, a state before and in between matter where possibilities swirled in indefinable simplicity and grace.

Her face lifted to the sky and her head filled with the silent music of the lights cascading from the north.
When faery heat suffused her from head to toe, she removed the mittens and stuffed them in her pocket.
She opened to her special goddess, calling upon the familiar essence she knew so well. Swaying from side to side, she allowed the words to come forth freely and unbeckoned.
“Goddess Rhiannon, bless this casting and encircle me with your power tonight as I seek to enter and safely retreat from the dim underworld of the soul eaters. In the throes of dark sorcery, those unclean aggressors captured our sister. Their action is unsanctioned and out of kilter. It is not the way of things. Be with my companions and me as we deliver her back to the world of the living. Give us safe journey there and here.”
Her heart pounded as a figure cantered from the forest on a grey and silver dappled horse. Like a revelation of spring, the goddess known for riding side-saddle gracefully guided the unbridled mare. On one slender arm was a basket that overflowed with fruits, flowers, and other rich bounty from the earth. The Wytchfae lowered her head in thankfulness to the goddess, inhaling the intoxicating scent of roses, grapes, and cinnamon.
I hope you enjoyed my snippet based on the word seeds. Thanks for stopping by. Return to Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
You paint such a beautiful picture with words.
That’s very generous of you to say, Cathy!
Lovely excerpt!
Thanks, Vicki!
wow. Love it. This paragraph was particularly lovely:
Legs braced, she drew in several deep breaths and centered herself. Briskly rubbing together mitten-clad palms to heighten the flow of energy within her body, she chanted opening words of praise and supplication to Mother Earth in whose frozen bower she played. Deep underground, she sensed winter’s sleep beginning to subside and give way to seeds of spring. Soon the white landscape would ripple with green shoots and riots of color. She swayed from side to side, feeling the measured, immense heartbeat of the earth beneath her. Like a bass drum it sounded in her senses. Her heartbeat slowed to match.
Thanks so much, Jillian!