Tuesday Tales: Writing Seeds

Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a dedicated group that enjoys reading as much as you do. Today our word prompt is seeds. My snippet is from a dark fantasy romance in which the heroine’s sister has… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Writing Seeds

Fae Friday: Secrets of Harvest Goddess Modron

Name: Modron Name meaning: Divine Mother Home: Wales, Cotswolds, Cirencester, region of Hadrian’s Wall Power: Harvest goddess, mother goddess, fertility deity, abundance, healing Meaning: fruition of the harvest, the autumn equinox, equality of day and night / light and dark Symbols: grain, nuts, leaves, acorns, wreaths, apples, grapes, wine, gourds, cornucopia, marigolds Folk customs: harvest… Continue reading Fae Friday: Secrets of Harvest Goddess Modron