Tuesday Tales: Writing Cottage

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors posting excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m pleased you stopped by today. We have picture prompts this week, and I chose this lovely cottage. My snippet is from Silver Angel, a Wytchfae prequel to Lord of Fire. Enjoy the other authors of Tuesday Tales.

Lucien followed Angel into the wilderness, literally thinking wilderness and laughed at himself. It was only pastureland after all, studded with cow patties and long stretches of sugar sand. A small herd of black and white cattle reminded him of a dog he’d had as a boy. There were no signs of human life.

Half hour later the land switched to a piney wood, and the energizing smell lifted his spirits. He stopped and took a swig from his water bottle, Angel waiting, her tawny nose twitching. When he offered her a drink, she ignored him and took off like a shot. He jogged after her, recapping the bottle on the run.

Then the tall, fragrant pines gave way to earth-hugging vegetation and small creeks that slogged along. Cypress trees grew akilter, their bony knees poking up from the mud banks. He wondered if she really knew where she was heading. Who would live out in a swamp like this? He kept an eye out for slithering snakes and wished Angel would ride on his shoulder. She stopped and waiting patiently when he had to extract his boot from the mud.

Finally the swamp gave rise to higher ground. A breeze ruffled his hair and played with Angel’s fur, the glint of the sun turning her gold. He smiled, the sound of wind chimes belling in his ears. A group of sycamores clustered around an idyllic, flower entwined cottage. How had they stepped out of the swamp and into the English countryside?

When Angel sprang onto the stoop, he tapped the iron doorknocker, careful not to clang it. An elderly woman opened the door. “I’m Lucien Silver, and this is Angel.” He didn’t know what else to say. She moved aside for them to enter. “Folks call me Granny.”

I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture prompt cottage. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other winning excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2019 Flossie Benton Rogers 

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Lovely. Your descriptions are always so vivid. I felt like I was on the walk with them. <3 Why do I feel like Granny may have a bit of magic in her? 🙂 JIllian

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