Cover Reveal- Time Singer

Fourth drum roll and ta-da! What do you think of the new, updated cover for Time Singer, the fourth book in the fantasy romance Wytchfae Series? Doesn’t Seraphina, heroine of Time Singer, look stunning as she journeys back to old Ireland? Her warrior hero, Aedar, certainly thinks so. Dawne’ Dominique of Dusk Til Dawn Designs creates… Continue reading Cover Reveal- Time Singer

Writer Wednesday: Time Singer Video

Creating video book trailers is more fun than a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I enjoy searching out photographs to depict the hero and heroine, finding the right music that my gut tells me fits the story, and putting together the words that will pare the storyline down to a nutshell. In the video for… Continue reading Writer Wednesday: Time Singer Video

Mythic Monday: Time Singer Cover Reveal

For Mythic Monday, I’m thrilled to unveil the stunning cover for Time Singer – Wytchfae 4, with artwork by the super talented Dawne’ Dominique. On the cover is the heroine, Seraphina, and spectacular cliffs along the shore of Ireland. The book is scheduled for release on April 25 and will be available for pre-order in… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Time Singer Cover Reveal