Sharing #PenDames 2022 December

Sharing Pen Dames 2022 December post: How Does a Book Heroine Celebrate December? Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or a different celebration…continue reading. Hope you enjoyed the Pen Dames fun! Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

Wassail at Winter Solstice

Wassail is a heavenly concoction of spiced cider and brandy prepared for Winter Solstice and other holy occasions. Wassail also refers to the toast or greeting that accompanies the drink. Hold your glass high and shout, “Wassail!” To go wassailing is to travel from house to house singing (caroling) and sharing the drink. Another form… Continue reading Wassail at Winter Solstice

Vintage Friday: Old Fashioned Plum Pudding

As the nursery rhyme goes, Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie. He put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum, and said, “What a good boy am I!” I’m thinking Jack delved into the mincemeat pie or plum pudding, both traditionally made with suet. In case you aren’t familiar with… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Old Fashioned Plum Pudding

Vintage Friday: Dreaming of a Blue Christmas

On this Saint Nicholas Day, I am thinking about old times. An azure tree with sparkling blue lights remains one of my favorite childhood Christmas memories. My mother ran a restaurant in a small town, and we lived in rooms behind the business. At that point my sister had married and my brother sailed the… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Dreaming of a Blue Christmas

Thirteen Holiday Treats

Wassail- Delicious hot mulled cider from Old England. Toast by saying “wassail!” – meaning “be you healthy!” Cognac- A sip of this special brandy makes gift wrapping zip right along. Snickerdoodles- No not the cookies. This is my term for my delightfully rambunctious grandsons ages 5 and 3. They and other family members make for… Continue reading Thirteen Holiday Treats