Mythic Monday: Rune of the Day – Teiwaz by Flossie Benton Rogers

Teiwaz2Divination is not so much to see what the future brings, but to get insight into the possibilities of the moment. Runes are one of my favorite methods. Runes constitute an ancient Germanic alphabet in use starting in the 1st century AD. They were valuable to the Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons, and other Germanic peoples, for writing as well as for magical purposes.

Rune layouts range from simple to complex, with the simplest being a single rune drawn in reply to a question. The question should be in a generalized form such as the following: “What do I need to know about my career at this moment?” Once the rune is selected, the reading works best if the recipient does the following: Sit quietly and still your mind. Open your heart. Consider the description of the rune in connection with your job and career goals. In stillness and openness comes the true meaning of the runes.

Today we look at Teiwaz, a rune that corresponds to our modern letter T. It is one of the eight runes of Tyr and part of the traditional Germanic Futhark or runic alphabet. Teiwaz is symbolized by an arrow pointing upward. The energy of this rune is masculine, action oriented, and speaks to the power of the warrior. It particularly evokes the spiritual warrior who seeks self-realization through oneness with heaven’s will and whose body and mind are dedicated to “the act of the moment.” Yet, at the same time, the warrior exhibits a refined patience by allowing the universe to speak first. The energy of Teiwaz demands courage and dedication. The warrior’s authenticity and single-mindedness are mirrored in the gleaming, razor sharp edge of the sword s/he carries. With that blade is cut away all the old, outdated thought forms and energies that accumulate with us over the years. What remains is our truest essence. The power of Teiwaz is not to be taken lightly.

I hope you enjoyed our Rune of the Day. In what ways do you think of yourself as a warrior?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. I like the positive, hope instilling meaning. If you are determined you will reach your goal.
    As for me, I never regarded myself as a valiant warrior. On the contrary.Thank you for this reading!

    1. I always like the energy of Teiwaz, too. I think of you as a warrior, Carmen. You start with 26 letters and wrangle thousands of words from them to form beautiful, fascinating characters and stories.

  2. I would be the type warrior who figures out unusual ways to outsmart the enemy; or at least I think I would. Interesting how runes work.

  3. Warrior traits for me would be the ability to adapt to unexpected situations and obstacles and muddle through them. Sometimes you don’t realize how strong you are until you look back on a situation after the passage of time!

    1. can see that in you to be sure, Mae, just from knowing you in the virtual world. You give a lot of thought to what has to be accomplished, you create your plan, and then you stick to your commitments and carry out the steps beautifully. The end result looks effortless, but unbelievably hard work made it happen.

  4. Sorry to be late to this one, Flossie. A very interesting post and what sounds to be a powerful rune. I must learn more about them. I’m not sure about any warrior traits in me. I suppose I organise things and people. I’ve been doing that for years. 🙂

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