Mythic Monday: Rune of the Day – Inguz

inguz1Divination is a way to focus on what matters. It allows us to gain insight into the ripe possibilities of the moment and is best used as a type of meditative effort. With their symbolism and kinship with long ago Scandinavian and Germanic cultures, runes are a fascinating method.

From the bag of runes, we close our eyes and draw a single stone as we ask a question: What do I need to know about [such and such situation]? If drawing on behalf of another, visualize that person. We must listen with open mind and heart.

Today we examine Inguz, a rune resembling an X standing atop another X. Part of the traditional Germanic Futhark or runic alphabet, it is one of the eight runes under the auspices of the warrior god Tyr.

Inguz concerns fertility and new beginnings. Its energy is that of the hero god Ing, whose name forms the basis of my hero Ingvar’s name in Wytchfae Runes. Ing and Ingvar remind me of the noble knight Sir Gawain, who strived to always do the right thing in the perilous situations he encountered. The splendid changeable moon is related to this rune, as it involves movement and emotional health. Inguz represents intuition, a desire for harmony, and the adaptability required for successful relationships. Humans have a deep need to share and be desired by another. Inguz signals an emergence from a tense, closed state into a more fertile, creative state. It is a powerful rune signifying a new path and a transition into joy. What may have been stagnant now has the energy to blossom. It is important to actively strive to shake off old habits and outdated thoughts patterns that no longer serve our best interests. Change is at hand.

I hope you enjoyed our look at Inguz, the Rune of the Day. How do you welcome opening up and positive change?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. An interesting, positive rune. Well, lately I’ve become more conservative. Perhaps it’s the age speaking, I like things to run along their presettled road. But I am not against change if it is a good one.
    Thanks for another lesson in divination! I gave up hope to do it, so I am glad to read about it in your posts.

  2. Very interesting, as always! I am a person who fights change. I’m not sure why. I’ve just always been more comfortable with the status quo, even when it was not good for me. My poor husband has helped me become more comfortable with it in the last few years, but it has been a struggle for him, even though he laughs about it!

  3. Very fascinating, Flossie! This is completely new territory for me, yet Inguz connected with me spiritually–the idea of opening up and letting go, getting rid of self-defeating thoughts and behavior is spot on, for me as I attempt to make changes in my life. Wow, just timely! Thank you.

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