Hump Day Hook

The red colour of rubies is from a small amoun...
The red colour of rubies is from a small amount of chromium(III). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Fire to thaw that ruddy snow, to break enchanted ice.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

This snippet is from a paranormal fantasy WIP:

Holding her breath, Marceline pressed her thumb against the inner recesses of the cedar box. There was still a chance. She glanced down at her sister, whose eyes brightened despite the shadows beneath. Meggie hadn’t given up, and neither would she. After all, Seth had been nothing if not clever. It had to be here. It just had to. She couldn’t stand another fruitless night. Yet nothing seemed unusual about the box other than its unique curved design. Just when she had the impulse to fling it across the room, the wood shifted, and a drawer snapped open, revealing a tiny cubbyhole hidden by red velvet. Her hand shaking, Marceline brushed aside the fabric and removed a kidney-shaped slat to peer inside. Swallowing hard, she turned to Meggie. “You were right. It’s been here all the time.” A broad smile stretched her lips. “We can pay the time singer now.”

Welcome to the 18th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts HumpDayHooklogo one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of HDH authors here. Everyone would appreciate a comment and for their post to be liked and tweeted, using the hashtag #HDH. Join the FB page  here.

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Sorry, I am having computer problems. This is the third time I’ve tried to leave a comment, so naturally the one that works is just “Test”.

    Okay, ahem, “Love it! Time Singer is a great hook all its own! Can’t wait to read more!” Thank you. FML

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