“One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away.”
Edmund Spenser, Sonnet 75
The beach plucks a soul melody– the salt spray, the fresh scent, the sand, sun, the glorious wind. Does it also call to you? What better way to rejuvenate with Snickerdoodles and family on a carefree weekend?

Easy fun food is the trick of the day. Here is a RECIPE for a tasty dish my husband taught me early in our marriage. His mother made it for him growing up in Vermont.
4 packs cream cheese
8 boiled eggs. diced or crushed to small pieces with a fork
Medium jar of pitted olives, drained and diced
Whip cream cheese with an electric mixer or with a fork until of a fluffy, pliable consistency, Work in eggs with a fork. Add olives and mix with a spoon until well combined.
If you are home, this delectable concoction is delicious served on bread or toast. At the beach dip or spoon it onto Ritz crackers for lip smacking goodness.
For the grownups who aren’t driving, a light, peppy cocktail may be in order. You need one that goes with Cream Cheese, Egg, & Olive. Not fruity. Not overly sweet. Not hard to make. Here is the purrrfect solution.

5 large ice cubes, 3 ounces gin, 6 ounces tonic water, lime wedges for garnish. Diet tonic water is fabulous to use in this cocktail.
In a tall glass, drop in the ice cubes. Pour in the gin, and then the tonic. Stir together. Garnish with lime wedges. It’s SO good. Enjoy!
Also necessary is a good book to read! If you like dark paranormal fantasy romance, fast paced and with plenty of adventure, and always a happy loverly ending to soothe your angst and cool your toes, here are some of mine. Amazon

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance