Barbara Vey’s Giveaway

It pleases me to participate in Barbara Vey’s book giveaway on her Publisher’s Weekly blog, Beyond Her Book. Numerous books are up for grabs, including Wytchfae Runes. The story of the Wytchfae, Kelly, and her Viking, Ingvar, is a perfect match for the upcoming holidays. Enter now!

Hump Day Hook

“Fire to thaw that ruddy snow, to break enchanted ice.” Ralph Waldo Emerson This snippet is from a paranormal fantasy WIP: Holding her breath, Marceline pressed her thumb against the inner recesses of the cedar box. There was still a chance. She glanced down at her sister, whose eyes brightened despite the shadows beneath. Meggie hadn’t given up,… Continue reading Hump Day Hook

Guest Layna Pimentel

WELCOME SPECIAL GUEST LAYNA PIMENTEL What is about these fascinating sculptures that holds my intrigue? While I’m sure I’ll never know that answer, the one thing I can say for certain, I don’t think I’ll ever stop collecting them any time soon. Whether it’s a garden ornament or an ornate carving in a picture, in my… Continue reading Guest Layna Pimentel

Hump Day Hook

“Soone as the Faerie heard his Ladie speake, Out of his swowning dreame he gan awake.” The Faerie Queene, EdmundSpenser. Welcome to the 17th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of HDH authors here. Everyone would appreciate a comment and for their post to… Continue reading Hump Day Hook

Themis’ 13 Worst Mothers Ever

You Don’t Want These Moms Cooking Your Oatmeal Lee Remick in Days of Wine and Roses. She is mesmerizing and heartbreaking as a mother who swills vodka while watching Saturday morning cartoons. Piper Laurie as Carrie’s mother in the original. She would turn any daughter psychotic. Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby. Ditch the fame  obsessed husband, Rosie!… Continue reading Themis’ 13 Worst Mothers Ever

Mother’s Day Memories

MAMA’S SUNDAY DINNER My mother garnered fame among family members for her elegant sashay into the kitchen, often with a frilly apron, or sometimes a dish towel, tied around her waist, opening the cabinet and refrigerator to remove a few items seemingly willy-nilly, and then standing for hours over the stove to prepare a scrumptious dinner for us all. Or “fix… Continue reading Mother’s Day Memories

Hump Day Hook

“That struggle was too strong, hateful and long-lasting…dire wrack and ruin – the greatest of night-evils.” (Goodreads) ―     Burton Raffel,     Beowulf Welcome to the 16th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of HDH authors here. Everyone would appreciate a comment and for… Continue reading Hump Day Hook