Author Interview & Hump Day Hook

SPECIAL NEWS: Daisy1AToday I am interviewed at JBP Book Reviews. Stop by and pet my 14-year-old Basset hound, Daisy Josette!

Aliciabeach2HUMP DAY HOOK: Welcome to the 8th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. This week you can find us at the HDH page on Facebook.

This snippet is from the unedited Guardian of the Deep (Wytchfae 2), scheduled to be published in June: 

“Samael.” Damn it, her voice shook.

He halted the stallion within a few feet of her as she lay sprawled in the shallow water. She flinched at the look he tossed her from beneath his wide-brimmed Stetson. It wasn’t the heated gaze he usually gave her, the one that melted her insides and made it hard to breathe. No, this was the distant stare of a stranger. A cold stranger with her lover’s face.


By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. I’m with Elin…I would never have thought to put a cowboy hat on someone with that name, lol, very creative. Great hook, with beautiful descriptive language and full of tension and emotion. Gods, that last sentence really got me. *tears up*

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