Writer Wednesday: Dylan Newton

????????????????????Please welcome longtime pal Dylan Newton! She’s giving away a free book, so make sure to leave her a comment below.

Hi Dylan! Welcome to the show.

Hi Flossie! Thanks for having me as a guest today! As this is the month of Romance, I’m celebrating today by giving one lucky person that comments on your blog today a FREE print copy of my new paranormal romance, ANY WITCH WAY!

1. Woo hoo! That person will love the story. What inspired you to write in your genre?

Writing paranormal romances is like eating chocolate and peanut butter–they’re both delicious alone, but when you add them together…scrumptious!

Writing paranormal allows me to escape with my readers to a world where other versions of “normal” exist–a world that’s a little ‘nuttier’ (hence the peanut butter reference) than our own. I love exploring the ‘what if’ scenario for my heroine–what if she discovers she’s possessed by a demon (as happens in ANY WITCH WAY)? What if she’s a psychic who is stalked by a ghost client who needs her help to solve the mystery surrounding his death (as happens in DESPITE THE GHOSTS)?

And when you add the Romance, it’s like coating the Paranormal genre with a thick, gooey layer of fine milk chocolate. In a Romance, you’re guaranteed a happily ever after, which is satisfying in and of itself. But then you add in some scenes with a yummy level of sexual heat, and…

Mmm, mmm, mmm! Who’s ready for dessert?

2. I am, after all that chocolate and peanut butter talk! Tell me, what is the hardest part about writing ?

The time!! Mine is limited, what with family, and other obligations. Applying the ‘butt glue’ and sitting down to write is the absolute hardest part for me.

3. Yep, I’m with you on that one. Who is your favorite secondary character in your latest book and why?

In ANY WITCH WAY, one of my all-time favorite characters is my heroine’s BFF, Kristin. She’s loyal, and fierce, and believes in Lily even when Lily doesn’t believe in herself. Everyone should have a BFF like that—one that loves you, no matter how you change…or when you bring home a hot Wiccan man to lift your demon-wrought curse!

4. Kirstin is a great BFF. What stories do you have planned for us in the future?

My next paranormal romance is my favorite story to date—called DESPITE THE FANGS, it’s due out in a couple of months and delivers the unexpected—a foul-mouthed, werewolf heroine with overactive follicles, a lab-created, shape-shifting, sexy hero who’d do anything for his son, and a world that— for the time being— doesn’t know they exist. The cover is below, and you can check out the blurb at my blog here. perf5.000x8.000.indd

5. Looking forward to that one! What do you hope readers come away with when they read one of your books?

My goal in writing is the same as when I read: to take my reader away from their lives and troubles, and transport them to a world where you are guaranteed a happily ever after.

6. If you could time travel, when and where would you go?

Ha! That’s easy. I’d go back to the Elizabethan era, and to the court of Queen Elizabeth I, one of the most fascinating women of all time, and a fantastic leader.

7. If you could be a mythological or fantasy being, who or what would you be?

I think it would be fun to be a dragon—you’re practically indestructible, you can fly, burn stuff and nobody bothers you while you sleep!

8. What movie would you watch over and over?

I adore every movie with Anne Hathaway in it, especially “Ella Enchanted,”  and Tim Burton’s version of “Alice in Wonderland” where Anne Hathaway brilliantly portrays the White Queen.

9. Rose, sunflower, violet, or lily?

Roses, but only the heritage ones with the gorgeous, evocative scents. RosespalepinkCropped

10. If you knew the apocalypse was coming, what authors/books would you take with you to your bug out location?

All of the books by Stephen King, Elizabeth Berg, Gena Showalter and the whole Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

Excellent! Thanks for visiting, Dylan! I look forward to your forthcoming works.

Thanks for having me again, Flossie! One random commenter will win a copy of my new paranormal romance, ANY WITCH WAY. Here’s my book video trailer for you—what do you think? http://youtu.be/BiyqdE863vI

Love the book trailer!DylanPublicity Photo 2013

Dylan’s cyber hang-outs:

Dylan’s Blog:






Goodreads (for Any Witch Way):


Amazon.com (Any Witch Way):


By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Wow, awesome interview with a fascinating person! I definitely second all that talk about chocolate and paranormal romance! No better way to put it into words / pictures. And that Witch book doesn’t just sound interesting, but I also love its cover art.
    Thanks for sharing this with us!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Devika! I’m glad you love the cover art–I am continually impressed by my publisher’s cover artists, and mine in particular (Rae Monet) is a genius! With your comment, you are officially ‘entered’ into the drawing to win a copy of ANY WITCH WAY. Good luck, Devika!

      1. Dylan…I love your goal in writing “is the same as when I read: to take my reader away from their lives and troubles, and transport them to a world where you are guaranteed a happily ever after”. So beam me up! Looking forward to reading Any Witch Way.

  2. Dylan…Looking forward to reading Any Witch Way and the Pagan Holiday Series.
    I loved your comment that your goal in writing is to take my reader away from their lives and troubles, and transport them to a world where you are guaranteed a happily ever after. Beam me up!

    1. I’m a reader foremost, so I hear ya, Marcia! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments–you are officially in the drawing! 🙂

  3. Wow, that new book, Despite the Fnags, looks very interesting! And I have to agree about the old-fashioned roses. They smell devine and, I think, are prettier that the fussy modern hybrids.

    1. I only wish I could grow some of those sweet smelling heritage roses–they all seem to die on me, though. Gardening is not my strong point. Thanks so much for stopping by, Rebecca–you are officially in the drawing for my book!

  4. Dylan…I love your goal in writing “is the same as when I read: to take my reader away from their lives and troubles, and transport them to a world where you are guaranteed a happily ever after”. So beam me up! Looking forward to reading Any Witch Way.

  5. Fun interview! If I could be any mythical creature I would be a Phoenix. I love the idea of rising from my ashes, so that no matter what burns me I’ll rise more stronger and beautiful than ever. 😉 I loved the book trailer for Any Witch Way, too. It adds suspense and intrigue to your already amazing story. I, of course, already have Any Witch Way, so I’m hoping for Despite the Fangs later. 😀

    Good luck to everyone!

    1. Aw, you’re a natural at these author interviews, Chrys! Phoenix is an excellent creature to choose! And no worries, I’ll be sure to let you know when I have a hard copy of Fangs in my hand! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Chrys!

    1. 🙂 Thanks, Kelly! I love my Despite the Ghosts video, too–I think your first book always holds a special place in your heart! You are officially entered in the drawing, Kelly!

  6. Loved your interview Dylan! And If I could be any mythological creature I’d also choose a Dragon second to choosing to be a mermaid!

    1. Thanks, Amy–mermaid would be a great one, too! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment–you are officially in the drawing! 🙂

    2. Amy–congrats, I just drew your name out as the WINNER of the signed copy of ANY WITCH WAY~ email me offline at happilymyeverafter @ gmail.com with your address and I’ll get it out to you immediately. Thanks again and congrats!

  7. You had me at chocolate and peanut butter! Reese’s are one of my greatest weaknesses. Especially, those seasonal ones. I believe the Reese’s eggs are about to emerge. The book trailer sealed the deal. Your book sounds awesome!

  8. I just finished watching the trailer for for your new book! I can’t wait to read the book! The trailer had me hanging on the edge of my seat and the hairs on my arms standing on end! This book is only the beginning of me adding more to my book collection! It’s a pleasure to meet and learn about you today. And now, I get to add more to my book collection! All of this in one day. The only thing that could make my life better is to win the book! Hugs to you Dylan and of course, my dear friend Flossie!

    1. Wow, thanks, Betty! You have totally made my day! 🙂 You are officially entered in the drawing–good luck!

  9. I could give away some great spoilers for Any Witch Way, but my lips are sealed. All I’ll say is–it’s a great read. A dragon who loves roses reminds me of the Disney movie “Pete’s Dragon.” Lots of huff and puff, but really lovable.

  10. Thanks for everyone that commented! I had so much fun being on Flossie’s blog! I put all your names in a hat today and randomly drew out….Amy Hart! Congrats, Amy–I have a signed copy of ANY WITCH WAY ready to send to you! Just email me offline at happilymyeverafter @ gmail.com and I will get your book in the mail!

    Thanks again for having me, Flossie!!

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