Vintage Friday: It’s Your Music 1966

Will you read my book?

Recognize these words from a popular song of 1966? It makes me laugh because 49 years later this is still what writers are asking—trying to get people to read our books—whether a publisher, as this song implores, or general readers. The tune is Paperback Writer by the Fab Four, otherwise known as the Beatles.

Paperback Writer was mainly scripted by Paul McCartney. The story goes that Paul wrote it in response to an aunt who wondered if he could pen a song about a topic other than love. He noticed Ringo reading a book and—bingo—an idea flashed. As a first for the band, the arrangement featured a prominently thudding bass guitar. The background harmony in the song reportedly gained inspiration from Sloop John B by the Beach Boys. As a precursor to music videos, a promo film was created for Paperback Writer. The song spent two weeks as number one on the Billboard chart and, for those of you who remember 45 rpm records, the B side was Rain.

For context, acclaimed films of 1966 included Clint Eastwood’s The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; A Man for All Seasons about Henry VIII and Thomas More; and Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?

Among the literary successes of 1966 were Bernard Malamud’s The Fixer, Jacqueline Susann’s Valley of the Dolls, and the Nero Wolfe novel Death of a Doxy by one of my favorite authors—Rex Stout.

What’s your memory or experience with Paperback Writer or any of the artistic creations mentioned above from groovy 1966?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. I was 4 years old in ’66, so I don’t have many memories of that year, but I do vividly recall becoming Beatle-obsessed as a teenager in the 70s a few years after they had split up. I immediately bought every LP I could get my hands on and any books available. I had such a crush on Paul, LOL.

    The very first LP I bought was their greatest hits from 1962-1966 album. Paperback Writer was on “side 4.” I played those albums (and Paperback Writer) in the basement on my stereo over and over, dancing to every song. Wow, what a great memory. Thanks, Flossie! 🙂

  2. Flossie, you amaze me with the way you come up with unique blog ideas. This one is truly “The Bees Knees,”

  3. A great band that made history in music. Though I like The Beatles, I wasn’t familiar with this song. So, thanks for sharing the video!
    As about the books and movies of that year, I am glad I saw the movies you mention — Clint Eastwood another great figure of film industry. Regarding books, I read several of Jacqueline Susann’s books, Valley of the Dolls included. Haven’t read the other two. Thank you for a great post!

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