Tuesday Tales: Writing Pick

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors posting excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is pick. My snippet is from a medieval romance featuring a knight and a lady caught in times of turmoil and war. I’m excited to work in my favorite reading genre. Enjoy the other authors of Tuesday Tales.

A blast of wind scattered dried leaves all along the portico. Alis shivered, drawing an expression of concern from Reese. Moving closer, he tucked the cloak more tightly beneath her chin, his bare fingers brushing her skin. She could not help the further tremor that overtook her. This time it was from his proximity and not the blustery wind.

His gaze seemed to penetrate into her being, and his words were carefully chosen. “You have been overmuch among the elements these days. Let us get you inside before a sickly humor overtakes.”

She took a deep breath and followed him along the serpentine outside corridor. The thought of a dry bed uplifted her mood, until an unpleasant thought occurred to her. Perhaps they were to be fed and then ushered out into the night. “We are to be allowed refuge then? For how long?”

“Only temporarily. As you know, women are forbidden here. Father Michael bends the rules, and we must remain out of sight of the others. There are always curious ears in such a place, and it is not unknown for church officials to appear unannounced.”

“Faith, I care not. I shall become a veritable hermit if there is hope of a sound sleep beneath an actual rooftop.”

“The starry skies seemed pleasant enough for you last eve.”

Warmth rushed to her cheeks He would pick such a moment to remind her of the heated kiss they had shared. His back was to her, but she could imagine the knowing look in his eyes.  Not answering seemed prudent.

He did not push the subject. “We will fare well here. The Father mentioned a fresh supply of apple wine produced by the industrious monks down Mauldon way.”

Alis licked her lips. “A crust of bread and sliver of cheese besides, and I shall consider myself truly blessed.”

His low rumbled laugh sent a jolt of pleasure rippling up her spine. Not often in their acquaintance had he allowed himself to indulge in moments of genuine pleasure. He had been occupied with the business at hand, maneuvers to outwit their pursuers and the problem of keeping both of them alive.

Alis was surprised when a lad serving as sentry met them at the door. He motioned them to follow. More tangled corridors, now inside, brought them to a room and face to face with Father Michael. He beamed.  “Welcome, friends. Aldric, be quiet about it, but gather ample supper for our esteemed guests, and a flagon of warmed wine.” After the boy scurried away, the Father explained. “Do not concern yourselves with Aldric’s discretion on the matter of your presence. He is a trustworthy soul. The poor boy is loyal to a fault, having been offered a haven from his former tormenters, who by the way, saw fit to relieve him of his tongue.”

Alis gasped.

He scratched his brow. “Forgive me, Lady Alis. I am afraid I am out of practice regarding the courtly niceties.”

She recovered herself. “No matter, Father, as I have never visited that renowned locale.”

I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt pick. Thanks for stopping by. Return to Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance


All rights reserved, copyright @ 2019 Flossie Benton Rogers 


By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. great visuals. I love it. Poor Aldric- sadly, the loss of a tongue seemed to happen a lot in medieval times.

    I love the part where he reminds her of their shared kiss under the stars. Jillian

  2. I love this! I feel her trepidation and her confusion over her feelings for Reese. With the suspense and tension, this story is unfolding beautifully. I love your writing.

  3. Hmm…they shared a kiss? I love how protective he is of her. And I feel so bad for Aldric. Great job!

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