Tuesday Tales: Writing Orange

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors posting excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is orange. My snippet is from Silver Angel, a Wytchfae prequel to Lord of Fire. Enjoy the other authors of Tuesday Tales.

Squinting murderously at the mid-afternoon glare, he stuck his hands in his jeans and headed toward the far speck of the hotel. A bass drum pummeled his temple. What had possessed him to go off on his own last night with a bottle of Jack? He kicked a clump of seaweed. There was no question. Angel hadn’t returned, pure and simple. It was time he did something about the situation. She thought she had matters under control, but what if she didn’t? A patch of sandspurs caught him, and he yanked his leg.

Either her plans had changed of their own accord or McMusen had locked down the hatches and collared her into not being able to shift from her feline form. Now that his head was clearer, he voted for the latter. He had only seen her in human form and as a white feline fluff ball. Possibly, as a sith, she had other feline forms. But if McMusen had collared her…

He wasn’t sure of the details, but he knew being stuck had to be torture pure and simple. And intolerable.

As he approached the parking overhang, a black umbrella flew by his head. He swore and jumped back.

The middle-aged doorman turned pale. “Sorry, Mr. Silver. It’s that good for nothing stray.”

Thump. Meowrrr.

The doorman stomped his feet at the chubby orange tabby. “She’s been running around here all afternoon, trying to sneak in for a nice salmon steak, if I know my alley cats.”

The world was full of hissing cat. With her fur bunched out and her teeth bared, she looked like a miniature demon.

Lucien grunted. “Hey, cat.”

At the sound of his voice, the tabby halted her tantrum, tilted her face, pirouetted, and leapt into his arms.

Automatically he caught the suddenly tranquil and purring creature. Eye contact followed.  “Oh hell.” Bluebonnet eyes.

I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt orange. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other winning excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2019 Flossie Benton Rogers 

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. How cute! Love the concern and the foreshadowing of bad times to come, then ending up with a cute kitty. She’s the girl, isn’t she?

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