Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors posting excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m so pleased you can join me today. This week’s picture prompt is milk. My snippet is from a paranormal piece. Enjoy the other authors at Tuesday Tales.
It wasn’t often a man shook her, but this one did. As he walked toward the bar, she could feel his body heat radiating in sensual, relentless waves. There was no attack. He wasn’t sending it. And he wasn’t bleeding energy either. It was just—him. Shocked, she mimed warding symbols into a palm with her nails, in a frantic effort to clear and protect her energy field.
Her shoulders sagged. It was already too late to shut down the sensory onslaught. Saint Michael with a sword in each hand would be hard pressed to clear the field at this point.
Damn it, for the first time since coming to earth, she was caught unawares. She had let her guard down. And with a human! He was human, wasn’t he? What price would she have to pay for her carelessness?
He took a seat, removed his hat, and leaned his arms on the edge of the bar, making it his own. Two hazel eyes scouted, assessed, and then mated with hers. No expression anywhere but the eyes. His voice added to the assault. “Double Jack.”
The sound was low and with a bit of gravel. Like a flaming tongue, rough and velvet, it licked at her skin, moving into sensitive crevices and secret low places. Zombielike, she reached for ingredients to fulfill his request, entreating herself, no–ordering herself, to reveal nothing. Her mind might be bombarded by a stranger’s unexpected power, and her borrowed body might be mesmerized by an impossible to ignore—beckoning, but she didn’t have to show it. Icing, shaking, pouring, she clamped her lips. She wouldn’t!

She slid the drink, and he caught it with two fingers. He looked at it and then her, a dimple creasing a corner of his cheek.
She blinked in astonishment at the concoction she had placed before him. The earth shook but did not open up any gaping maw. A tremor of mirth tickled her throat. She retrieved the cloud laden cocktail. “Sorry, that’s my Tiger’s Milk. It’s usually with cognac but also good with whiskey. Your double is coming up.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture prompt milk. Thanks for stopping by. Return to Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
Wonderful snippet!
Thanks, Vicki!
Excellent post. Lots of awesome imagery there. Well done.
Thank you, Susanne. So glad you like the imagery!
Awesome descriptions, Flossie. An extremely vivid snippet.
I’m glad you liked the descriptions, Mae. Thanks for stopping by!
Now I want a Tiger’s Milk. Cute how he’s connecting with her. Almost all eye contact and mystical heat. Love it!
I want a Tiger’s Milk, too. Thanks, Jean!
Wow! I got caught up in that heat. and the way he distracted her that she didn’t even know the drink she was making made me want to read more. Great job!
Thanks, Tricia. I’m glad it made you want to read more.
Beautiful. Love the whole “zombie” paragraph- so sensual and descriptive. Jillian
I’m so pleased you like the zombie paragraph. Thanks, Jilian!
Mystical and magical, yet sensual and very physical too. Excellent!
Thank you, Trisha!