Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors posting excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a book hungry bunch that enjoys reading as much as you do. This week’s word prompt is heavy. My snippet is from a paranormal fantasy in which a goddess occasionally inhabits the body of an archaeological assistant. Enjoy the other authors at Tuesday Tales.
A wave flattened out to kiss the shore. Knee deep, Prue dug in her toes to keep her balance. She focused on the far horizon where turquoise met celestial blue, while the earth shifted beneath her feet. There was no sign of wind sheers or killer waves anywhere, much less this close in. She’d give a boatload of dimes for her nerves to settle down. They had been on edge since her over the top reaction to Esther’s painting of a rogue wave threatening a dole of doves. Something about that stupid picture got to her. The beach had always been her refuge, but now the water seemed heavy and threatening. This wasn’t relaxing. Even the ions weren’t zinging her zen. She may as well trudge back home.
Before she could act on her decision, a cocky wave knocked her on her keyster. In the past she would be laughing with delight at this. Now her heart thumped like a high school bass drum. Scrambling up, she thumped her way onto dry sand, muttering through clenched teeth.
A deep wry voice invaded her space. “Looks like you’ll have to change clothes before heading back to work.”
Her head jerked up. Esther and Zeth walked toward her. The older woman’s gnarled hand was clamped around Zeth’s bronzed forearm. They were both dressed head to toe in white and looked decidedly Gatsbian. Prue’s cheeks burned at being caught sopping wet and cursing to herself. She mopped water from one eye. “You two know each other?”
Zeth shot the older woman a quick glance. “We met the day you locked yourself out of your apartment.”
“Oh.” She used a towel on her wet capris. “So what are you doing down here?”
“This nice young man offered to escort me out for a little sea air. It’s good for the soul.” Esther patted Zeth’s arm, obviously quite charmed by him.
Prue shot him a skeptical glance. She wanted to roll her eyes but refrained. “How thoughtful.”
The quirk of his lips told her he knew exactly how she wished to express herself. “Are you heading back to work?”
She shook her head. “Mental health day.”

“Perfect.” He extended his other arm. “You can join Esther and me for a drink.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt heavy. Thanks for stopping by. Return to Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
Nicely done, Flossie.
Thanks, Mae!
There is something so suspicious with Esther. And the fact that she is now buddy-buddy with Zeth bothers me. Beautiful description of the wave that knocks her on her butt. 😉
Great job!
Heh heh, Tricia, glad you noticed the wave. Thank you for the great comments.
Wonderful excerpt!
Thank you!