Tuesday Tales: Writing Hardy

NephthysWhy would a beautiful but deadly goddess transform herself into another’s appearance? All is never what it seems in the Underworld.

Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their WIPs based on word and picture prompts. Today’s prompt is hardy, and the snippet is from a work in progress temporarily called Soul Double. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

A burn flashed through Rhade at the hostile slur against Resa. His lips twitched to utter an irrevocable comeback. He swallowed down the urge, clenching his hands lest they reach for her throat. Verbal sparring was one thing, but some things couldn’t be revoked.

One sculpted brow lifted the tiniest bit as she gazed at him, her sable eyes looking so much like Resa’s. But she was as far from the woman in his heart as a slug from a rose. She acted like she had his number, but what did she really know? Maybe he could play her game a while longer. “You seem to be under some misapprehension, Eris. What is it you think you know about my little trip to the human world?”

A shrill wind caused the torchlight to waver across her face, contorting her features. She spat out the words. “I’m well aware you spent several days shacked up with that pansy ass trollop. Are you actually going to stand there and deny it?”

He almost laughed at her choice of words. “While Resa stood at my side fighting off the undead, I learned she’s a hardy soul, not a pansy ass. That doesn’t mean I shacked up with her.” He eased a shade closer, allowing his essence to spill out to tantalize her. He needed her uncertain. “Is that why you glamoured yourself with her face and body—because you think I slept with her?” Keep it real.

“My sources said—“

“That lightweight you sent to spy on me?” He reached out and brushed his thumb across her cheek. “I’ll snap him like a twig the next time he shows his face to me.”

Her expression hardened, but her body swayed toward him. “I know you just want me to tell you where she is.”

A shudder racked through him. She hasn’t killed her. “Come here, Eris. Let’s stop all this nonsense.” He drew her close, doing his best to pretend it was Resa he held and not this viperous goddess. Resa’s life could depend on it. Tuesday Tales

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed my excerpt with the writing prompt hardy. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


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