Tuesday Tales: Writing Bloom by Flossie Benton Rogers

Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their WIPs based on word and picture prompts. Today our word prompt is bloom. The snippet is from a holiday vintage romance set in the 1950’s after the Korean War called Mistletoe Magic. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

Brenna flinched at the popping sizzle of the breeze kissed candle. Her nerves were too much on edge tonight, when all she wanted was to ease his mind and show him nothing but womanly grace.

The planes of his face even more pronounced in the evening shadows, Jeffrey’s attention returned to her from wherever it had been. Lost in memories of Korea so she imagined. She longed to smooth away the careworn expression from his handsome face. Would he resent the gesture? She found herself not quite knowing how to act, how to be with him. She gazed around, frantic for safe topics of conversation and was surprised to see that most of the other diners had left the patio area. She and Jeffrey were one of the few tables remaining. Determined to appear as normal and calm as possible, she reached for the wine bottle. “A splash more burgundy, darling?”

He nodded and held out the dainty crystal. How fragile it looked in his muscular fingers, and yet she had no fear of his snapping the stem. Jeffrey had always been as tender as he was strong.

Her stomach cramped at the thought. Had been. With the war and all the hell over there, was he still?

“I always enjoy the way wine adds an extra bloom to your cheeks, Brenna. Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

She dabbed a napkin to the corners of her mouth, offering a trembling smile. “I know I’ve lost weight. The restaurant has taken so many long hours.” She glanced down at her bosom.

He set down his glass and took her hand in his. The warmth of his skin shot tingles up her arm. “You are beautiful, Brenna, more so than ever. I’m back now, and I promise you won’t have to carry that burden alone anymore. Not a minute went by without you on my mind. You’re all that kept me going.” His grip tightened. “You know that, right?”

His masculine vitality pulled her toward him. She had the sensation of melting into his energy like warm butter on hot bread. Her whisper sounded breathy to her ears. “Jeffrey, I have missed you so.” She reached out and touched his roughened cheek. She swallowed over a throat as dry as corn husks. “One final toast, darling? Before we head upstairs?” Tuesday Tales

Thanks so much for stopping by. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. A perfect portrayal of Brenna’s uncertainty and nervousness around Jeffrey. Great scene!

  2. You always suck me right in. I love the way you make the reader feel as if she is there in the scene with the characters. AND I adore the hero in this tale!! Jillian

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