This is quite a dramatic way for August to end, with Hurricane Idalia on the path toward us. Marigold and I will head over to my son’s this afternoon. Prayers for everyone to stay safe in the storm. Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where writers use word and picture prompts in our stories. This snippet is from a cozy mystery set in Glisten, Georgia. The week’s word prompt is pitch. When you finish reading, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Vance Wardlow pulled out a chair and nodded with raised eyebrows to Bon Bon Jarvis. She pitched him a ghost of a smile, shook her head, and sank onto a brocade settee by the window. His sunny demeanor undimmed, he began assisting ladies into their seats. He obviously liked playing knight errant.
Naomi Upshaw stood and watched until everyone was seated. Then she turned and favored Robin and me with fleeting glances before settling her attention on Dovie. “On behalf of the Fall Festival Coalition, please allow me to say how devastated we were to hear about your husband’s unfortunate accident. He graciously extended his generosity to the Coalition and particularly to the Pumpkin Run Committee, agreeing to Tea Thyme as the final leg of the run and sponsoring the grand prize.”
“He did briefly mention it to me.”
Naomi appeared relieved. “Oh, good. Is there any news on his condition?”
“He is in ICU. I am waiting on a call from his nurse as to when the requested specialist might arrive.”
“Of course.”
“Please tell him our prayers are with him,” said a rather fluffy, pleasant looking woman.”
Naomi pointed to the fluffy woman who had spoken, “Dulcy, as Chair of the Pumpkin Run, and a few Committee and Coalition members wanted to come with me today to assure you of our best wishes.” She glanced at the group and frowned. “I wonder what happened to Monty and Spike. Also I thought Angora would be here.”
Vance said, “I don’t know about Angora, but Monty and Spike were walking over from the Square.” He peered out the window. “Here they come now.”
Most people craned to look, while Vance trotted to swing open the door. “Come on in, fellows,” he said jovially. “Better late than never.”
I did a quick count. Nine people! A nerve began to pulse in my temple. I’d never get all the names and faces straight, even if someone did finally make introductions. Robin was furiously thumbing information into her phone, however—hopefully the names of those present.
“That walk is longer than it used to be,” joked a sturdy man with the beginnings of a paunch showing under a grey sweatshirt that touted the local high school Robin and I had both attended. He made his way in with a grin, followed by a tall thin blond man that looked vaguely familiar.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the snippet inspired by pitch. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2023 Flossie Benton Rogers
Great post. I always love your descriptions.
Glad you liked it, Susanne. Thank you!
Matching faces and names of people right away – especially when they are new to you is a challenge. I’m looking forward to finding out who that slightly familiar guy is. Is he important or simply a connection to her past??
I’m also wondering what the deal is with the blond guy. Thanks, Jean.
These are an interesting group of people. I’d like to meet them.
They are a motley crew; thanks, Loretta.
oooh, I am with her- being bombarded with names is terrible. It is hard to remember them all. And I am intrigued by the vaguely familiar guy. Going to be fun to see who he is. Jillian
Right? Blah blah and trying to register the face simultaneously. Thanks, Jillian.
same! LOL
Wonderful snippet!
Thanks, Vicki.
Oh, who is the blond man? And why are these people making me uneasy. Great job!