Tuesday Tales 2023-5-23 Wicked

It’s time for Tuesday Tales, May 23, 2023, where we use word and picture prompts in the stories we’re writing. I am working on a cozy mystery. This week’s word prompt is wicked. Events occur prior to Peri’s relocation to her former childhood home in Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

Luckily, I had come prepared with a distraction, just in case. “Mr. Burl wins a prize!” I enthused, beaming a smile and handing him a twenty percent off Spooky Trekking coupon, “for spotting what may be one of the restless spirits inhabiting these old, hallowed grounds.”

His wife tugged at his sleeve. “What did you win, Tom?”

He squinted at the coupon. “A discount to Greenland.”

“Greenland?” she squeaked.

“Greenland, Florida, Eva,” he said, sounding irritated, tucking the coupon into the pocket of his plaid shirt. “The old ghost town. It’s another tour. Remember we saw it on a list when we—you—picked this one?”

“Oh, yes,” she answered vaguely. She blinked rapidly several times, and it seemed to dawn on her what he had said about seeing a light. Frown lines furrowed between her brows. “You really saw something, Tom?” She pulled the sides of her cardigan together until they overlapped.

“I thought I did. But it’s broad daylight.”

People think the dead only come alive at night. Wicked. Little do they know.

He waved a hand in dismissal. “Probably just the sunlight glinting off a bottle or something.”

I summoned a comforting smile. “Could be,” I told the group, keeping my tone light to smooth over any anxiety that may have arisen. “You never know in these old places.” I resumed walking and motioned everyone onward. “Let’s continue now toward the Cromleigh Mausoleum. The bus is due to pick us up in half an hour for a stop at the Carillon Tower, with its unique chimes and horns, and then on to lunch. But, first, you’ll have a few minutes to look around the mausoleum and its adjoining gardens. It’s constructed in Egyptian style. Keep your eyes peeled for lotus blossoms, ankhs, and the Eye of Ra. Notice how the pillars face the east, greeting the rising sun?” I held up a stack of pamphlets. “Here is a brochure about the mausoleum. The symbolism is quite interesting.” I handed them out.

“Also, take note of the pinecone motif.” I pointed at a subtle cone shape on a relief depicting a staff entwined with serpents. “It’s evidence that ancient Egyptians honored the pineal gland, sometimes called the third eye. You won’t find that in the brochure, but I have a list of sources if you’re interested in reading about it.”

“I am!” Earnest said emphatically.

“Here you go.” I gave him a copy of my handwritten jottings. “Sorry it’s not typed.”

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the snippet inspired by wicked. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2023 Flossie Benton Rogers

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Love the eerie spookiness for this post. Yes, I do believe those who walk the Earth after death do come out during the day. Love the flash of light and how he chalks it off. Not me! I’m scared already!! Great snippet.

  2. I want to go on this tour. I want to see the mausoleum! Let’s go! Great descriptions and I love that he thought spirits wouldn’t come out in the day. Jillian

  3. Very interesting! There’s so much we don’t know about the other side of the veil. Perfect scene here. It fits in with many of the ghosthunting outings I’ve been on here in Texas. Loved this snippet!!

  4. I love your details of the area and her excitement of it. She even made her own notes. Great job!

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