Tuesday Tales 2023-3-7 LUCK

It’s time for Tuesday Tales, March 7, 2023, where authors make use of word and picture prompts in their works in progress. I am working on a cozy mystery. Today’s word is luck. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

“In fact,” Dulcy continued, a furrow snaking across her forehead, “I thought I turned the lock and put out the Gone to Lunch sign.” She walked over, inspected the front door, and turned to me, looking puzzled. “Oh, I guess I forgot.

“Just my luck the bell on the door didn’t ring.” I pointed to the clapperless object. “Were you grabbing a bite to eat?” Her demeanor was throwing me for a bit of a loop. I looked her over, trying not to be obvious. Her graying hair was disheveled, and the color tones of her skirt and blouse weren’t quite complementary. Dulcy had always been a fastidious person. Today she looked scattered. The black earbud rope hanging around her neck reminded me of a garrote.

A flustered look came over her. “It’s lunch time but I was, well, I was listening to an audio. Subliminal. You know those?”

“Uh, yes, I think so. You mean music or tones and quiet, indistinct words that are supposed to be understood by the subconscious?”

“Yes.” She snorted. “I figured if anyone had heard of it, it would be you. It’s just something I’m looking into for losing weight.”

Of their own accord, my gaze flicked right to her middle. She may have put on a few pounds but nothing terribly noticeable. My eyes met hers again. I honestly had no idea what to say. I muttered, “Oh.”

Now it was my turn to be surveyed. “You don’t have to worry about that, of course, with your trim figure.”

“Oh, sure I do,” I told her hurriedly. “Especially when it comes to my pitfall–cookies.”

Her sherry-colored eyes pierced me. “Then inheriting Tea Thyme must be especially trying for you.”

I couldn’t decide if she was being catty or just making conversation. I took a breath. “I interrupted your quiet time. I can come back later, after lunch, or even tomorrow.”

She shrugged. “Not at all. Is there something here that caught your eye? Something I can show you?”

Of course, she wanted to make a sale. Suddenly I felt out of place in asking her about the ring cozy. “I’m quite taken with the journals with the steampunk look.” I pointed at them. “I’d like to find a way to incorporate them once I get my business going.”

She frowned. “You want them for Tea Thyme?”

“No. My Spooky Trekking business.”

I hope you enjoyed the snippet inspired by the word luck. Thanks for stopping by. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2023 Flossie Benton Rogers

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Now I need to know what was really going on with Dulcy when she was interrupted. You paint a picture that doesn’t coincide with someone listening to a peaceful audio. So you’ve aroused my suspicion. Can’t wait to read the next installment.

  2. Hmmmm, yes, something seems off here. Her appearance doesn’t match her stated activity. And then….as I’m pondering that, you threw in Spooky Trekking. Now I’m REALLY curious!

  3. Hmm…there seems to be something she’s not saying. I can’t wait to find out what it is. Great job!

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