Tuesday Tales: 2021-3-9 Bug

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. Writing is our passion. You can enjoy stories and see works in progress unfold. This week’s word prompt is bug. I continue here with an adventurous medieval romance featuring a knight. Make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

She found Ada over a large pot at the fire, stirring porridge, and swatting away a flying bug. Troupe members were in small groups here and there. A few nodded, including Everard and the squire Randall. Others made eye contact and then quickly looked away. She was not surprised that some resented having her along. As she looked around for Nicholas, he appeared at her side, bearing a steaming cup. His hand brushed against hers as he took her elbow, guiding her to a seat by the fire. She had forgotten how warm his flesh always seemed to be, even in the wintry air.

Ada greeted her with a smile. “The porridge is ready.”

Nicholas handed her the steaming cup. “Drink up. It is watered wine and will warm you. I recall your tendency to be chilled.”

Everyone ate quickly, keeping conversation to a minimum, and soon troupe members began to pack up to leave. Just as Sabina raised one foot to climb into the wagon, a cold blast of air whipped up her cloak.

She stepped back onto the ground, shivering and pulling the cloak tighter around her. Muttering beneath his breath, Nicholas surveyed an ominous sky, now blanketed by thick ridges of gray clouds.

They turned toward a loud flapping noise, as Everard struggled with the wagon covering. The wind had caught and further rended the tear.

Ada sighed. “Oh, dear. The cart ’twill be blustery and noisy. Ne’er fear, Everard, I shall try and patch it as we go.”

“This won’t do,” Nicholas told Sabina. “I will not be responsible for your succumbing to illness as the wind thrashes like a sword point through that hole. You ride with me where I can be assured of your wellbeing. Come.”

Sabina sent a frightened look toward Ada, but that stalwart soul was nodding in agreement with the knight. “Then there will be room for Liam to ride with us to help hold it.”

Soon she was mounted before him, wrapped in two blankets and cosseted by his strong arms. At first she sat stiffly, but as time passed, she began to relax. The gentle rocking of the horse and the knight’s strong presence calmed and soothed her. Worry about her uncle and the odious Sir Bayard seemed to slip away. This was owing to Nicholas who, despite his objections to her presence, was ever mindful of her comfort and safety. As he cradled her against him, the blessed heat of his body eased her trembles.

I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt bug. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other remarkable excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2021 Flossie Benton Rogers

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. How beautifully written, the way you describe how she didn’t want to sit with him, but how his presence calms and warms her. Lovely scene. I see they are drawing closer together. Something about the physical presence of another that is so essential to us as humans.

  2. Love this. Being cold myself at the moment since I got caught in the rain, I’m wanting some warming wine after reading your post. I like the way she is torn about him, JIllian

  3. Your imagery is amazing! I can feel the cold – brrr! I can’t wait to read more about Sabina and Nicholas. Great job!

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