Tuesday Tales 2021-11-16 Picture Stone Building

It’s time for Tuesday Tales, with authors writing excerpts based on word or picture prompts. My selection this week from an array of pictures is the flower-laden stone building. The snippet is from a Highlander Romance. Visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

A woman on each lordly arm, Iain escorted his wife and Lana the several blocks to the periphery of the festivities, where they joined the spirited promenade line. Lana had never met so many friendly people in so short a time and been photographed so frequently. She soon became caught up in the bustle and excitement of pretending to be from days of yore. It took about an hour for the line of participants, each dressed in outfits from various periods of Scottish history, to make its merry way along the designated path and around The Square, culminating at the old museum.

“Not many folks are actually visiting the museum itself,” Delphine explained. “Everyone around here has seen the displays many times, though they do change them out. You’ll want to peek in, though,” she told Lana, “having never seen it. There’s a brilliant diorama of the old section of town. ”Oh, look!” she exclaimed, as they approached the picturesque stone building. “Mrs. Wells has set up a wishing well outside for donations.”

Iain tossed in some coins, his ruddy cheeks crinkled in a grin as his gaze lit on the rows of outdoor vendors. “After all the walking and smiling, I’m making a run toward the haddock and chips. What about you ladies?”

Delphine rolled her eyes. “All the exotic food and he goes for the fish as usual.” She grimaced. “Actually I am hungry.”

Lana said, “You two go ahead. I’ll pop in the museum for a quick look and then join you.” Soon she was lost amid depictions of proper ladies with feisty twinkles in their eye and dashing tartan-clad warriors. Her eyes moistened at the vintage pictures. How Gran would have loved this.

I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture prompt of the stone building. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other authors at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2021 Flossie Benton Rogers

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Great scene! I loved it. Of course, I’m partial to the picture you used to. How I’d love to be able to step inside. Can you imagine all the energies it holds from the past?

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