Sharing #PenDames 2022 December

Sharing Pen Dames 2022 December post: How Does a Book Heroine Celebrate December? Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or a different celebration…continue reading. Hope you enjoyed the Pen Dames fun! Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

Tuesday Tales 2022-2-8 Stoop

Greetings! I hope all is well with you and trust our weekly snippets provide you with some moments of entertainment. It’s time for Tuesday Tales, where authors write excerpts based on word or picture prompts. The word prompt this week is stoop. This snippet is from an early section of my current Highlander Time Travel… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2022-2-8 Stoop

Tuesday Tales 2022-1-25 Rock

Greetings! We’re having a nip of winter down here in Florida, which can make Marigold, my sweet feline fur fae, a bit madcap. When this mood strikes, she does cat things. She might make a mad tear around the house, ruffle all the rugs, or find new forbidden objects to climb. Or all of those… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2022-1-25 Rock

Tuesday Tales 2022-1-18 Picture Bookstore

Greetings! That term always reminds me of Starman, one of my favorite movies. When my son was little, we used to quote lines to each other, our favorite being “little bit jumpy” with the appropriate endearing hand gesture made by Jeff Bridges It’s time now to enjoy a new episode of Tuesday Tales, where authors… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2022-1-18 Picture Bookstore

Tuesday Tales 2021-11-2 Arm

It’s the day for Tuesday Tales, with authors writing excerpts based on word or picture prompts. The word prompt this week is arm. My snippet is from a Highlander Romance. Last week we met the historical Highlander, Torsten, and tonight we meet the modern-day heroine, Lana. In later snippets we will hopefully discover how they… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2021-11-2 Arm

Tuesday Tales: 2021-5-11 Mother

It is time for Tuesday Tales, where you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. I continue here with an adventurous medieval romance featuring a knight. This week’s word prompt is mother. After reading the passage, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. At last the prioress returned. With a… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 2021-5-11 Mother

Are You a Lucky Leprechaun Winner? Play the Game!

WIN FABULOUS PRIZES in the Pen Dames writing group Lucky Leprechaun game! To be entered to win, all you have to do is play this fun game and leave your answer in the comments below. March is a wonderful month! Springtime, St. Patrick’s Day, green everywhere, and we’ll all be Irish for a day. To… Continue reading Are You a Lucky Leprechaun Winner? Play the Game!

Tuesday Tales: 2021-3-2 Blue

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. Writing is our passion. You can enjoy stories and see works in progress unfold. This week’s word prompt is blue. I continue here with an adventurous medieval romance featuring a knight. Make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 2021-3-2 Blue