Mythic Monday: Taurus Goddess Hathor by Flossie Benton Rogers

As the Wheel of the Year spins and day continues to increase in length, we energize with outdoor cookouts and trips to the beach. In Florida the family swimming pool is finally warm enough to fully become submerged in during weekends romps. The expanding focus on home life and togetherness is suggestive of sun in… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Taurus Goddess Hathor by Flossie Benton Rogers

Mythic Monday: Taurus the Bull

In the cave of Lascaux is a depiction considered by some scholars to represent the constellation Taurus. It is, of course, in the shape of a bull. The bull has been honored since ancient times for magnificent strength and fertility. Taurus the Bull is an ancient and revered zodiac symbol. The ancient Sumerians worshiped a… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Taurus the Bull