Mythic Monday: 5 Little Known Solar Deities by Flossie Benton Rogers

During the day, the deity of the sun harnesses the solar horses and drives a golden chariot across the sky, providing light, safety, and sustenance for humankind. During the night the deity plunges into the dark and desolate depths of the Underworld, temporarily dying, to emerge again the following morning. On another scale, the deity… Continue reading Mythic Monday: 5 Little Known Solar Deities by Flossie Benton Rogers

Mythic Monday: Capricorn Goddess Inanna by Flossie Benton Rogers

Winter Solstice recently occurred, a time to honor and celebrate the return of the sun, the lengthening of days, and the return of the light. The sun is now in Capricorn, the essence of which involves hard work, earthly bounty, and the protection of loved ones. I honor the great Sumerian goddess Inanna as 2015… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Capricorn Goddess Inanna by Flossie Benton Rogers

Mythic Monday: Website Migration or Inanna’s Descent

If you think migrating your website doesn’t edge into the realm considered mythic, try it— bwahahaha <evil laugh>. Wanting more creative control, I took the plunge and went to a self-hosted service when my WordPress premium upgrade payment came due again. First, a lot of nervous research went into which host to select. I ended… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Website Migration or Inanna’s Descent

Mythic Monday: Hilaria

An ancient forerunner of April Fools’ Day, Hilaria was an important religious observance for the Romans. The celebration, often held on March 25 just after the spring equinox, commemorated the resurrection day of the god Attis, son of the Great Mother Goddess Cybele. During this day of rejoicing, people wore costumes and disguises, played games,… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Hilaria

Mythic Monday: Black Annis Will Get You

In days not so long ago, English parents frightened their children into good behavior by the threat of “Black Annis will get you.” The custom is equivalent to the threat in America that “the bogeyman will get you.” In older, darker times, Black Annis instilled terror into the hearts of country folk, particularly around her… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Black Annis Will Get You