Tuesday Tales 2021-11-23 Lip

It’s time for Tuesday Tales, with authors writing excerpts based on word or picture prompts. The word prompt this week is lip. The snippet is from a Highlander Romance. Visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. A voice spoke behind her. “’Tis the Battle of Piperdean you be studying there. T’was– let’s see—the year 1435… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2021-11-23 Lip

Tuesday Tales 2021-10-26 Sweet

It’s time for Tuesday Tales, with authors writing excerpts based on word or picture prompts. The word prompt this week is sweet. My snippet is from a Highlander Romance. Visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. The gravelly voice echoed off the rock face and out into the open air. “The faery woman meant for… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2021-10-26 Sweet

Tuesday Tales 2021-9-28 Careless

It’s time for Tuesday Tales, with authors writing excerpts based on word or picture prompts. This week the word prompt is careless. My snippet is from a cozy mystery. Visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. Gage nodded. “And you want to help her. I get it. But you’ve been cleaning up her scrapes for… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2021-9-28 Careless

Tuesday Tales 2021-9-21 Sound

It’s time for Tuesday Tales, with authors writing excerpts based on word or picture prompts. This week the word prompt is sound. My snippet is from a cozy mystery. Visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. Sucking in a breath, Gage let his eyes roam the horizon. I wasn’t going to let the unwelcome news… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2021-9-21 Sound

Tuesday Tales 2021-7-13 Photo Three Books

I am back this week after a brief hiatus brought on by website woes. My longtime WordPress theme, 2012, suddenly lost its pizzazz. By that, I mean a cool font I used for the headlines went POOF, as did the charcoal color of the page and a few other stylistic tweaks. Apparently the long ago… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2021-7-13 Photo Three Books

Tuesday Tales: 2021-5-25 Picnic

Time for Tuesday Tales! Here you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. Since this week’s word prompt, picnic, does not fit with a medieval time period, I am leaving our manly knight, Nicholas de Beaumont, and jumping to a horror story for this one. After reading the passage, please leave a comment… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 2021-5-25 Picnic

Tuesday Tales: 2021-5-4 Swim

It is time for Tuesday Tales, where you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. I continue here with an adventurous medieval romance featuring a knight. This week’s word prompt is swim. After reading the passage, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. Nicholas whistled, a harsh, shrill command that… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 2021-5-4 Swim

Tuesday Tales: 2021-4-27 Bones

It is time for Tuesday Tales, where you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. I continue here with an adventurous medieval romance featuring a knight. This week’s word prompt is bones. After reading the passage, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. Sabina wrinkled her nose. The smell of… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 2021-4-27 Bones

Tuesday Tales: 2021-4-20 Hurry

It is time for Tuesday Tales, where you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. I continue here with an adventurous medieval romance featuring a knight. This week’s word prompt is hurry. After reading the snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. She moaned into his mouth and crumpled… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 2021-4-20 Hurry

Tuesday Tales: Writing Servant

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring authors posting excerpts from works in progress based on word and picture prompts. Keep in mind that the snippets are unedited. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is servant. Enjoy the other talented authors of Tuesday Tales. The coroner had removed Naomi’s body.… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Writing Servant