Tuesday Tales: Writing Thank

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a book hungry troop that enjoys reading as much as you do. Appropriate for this week, our word prompt is thank. The excerpt is from a dark fantasy romance. Read… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Writing Thank

Mythic Monday: The Wild Buschfrauen

Which archetype are you most drawn to? Do you resonate with the hero, magician, creator, lover, rebel, or another from Jung’s list of the basic twelve archetypes? They are all part of us in some way or another, but we usually have preferences among the twelve. An image that I admire is the wise and… Continue reading Mythic Monday: The Wild Buschfrauen

Mythic Monday: 7 Signs of #Samhain

7 SIGNS OF SAMHAIN “We cry to the old ones who rest in our bones… Come and be with us, share the feast, as darkness cloaks the earth, and the cold wind rises.” Flossie Benton Rogers, 2015 Samhain (pronounced sow-en), a Celtic holiday meaning Summer’s End, is celebrated on October 31 or November 1. Other… Continue reading Mythic Monday: 7 Signs of #Samhain