Fae Friday: Gratefulness at Imbolc

We are smack dab in midwinter. I love that word midwinter, don’t you? On the ever turning Wheel of the Year, we are at the halfway point between the beginning of winter, or Winter Solstice, and the beginning of spring. It is a cross quarter day. The sun grows stronger in the battle between the… Continue reading Fae Friday: Gratefulness at Imbolc

Mythic Monday: Spriggans by Flossie Benton Rogers

Playing with notions about fairies and other supernatural beings is one of the pleasures of writing paranormal fantasy romance. Like people, fairies come in a wide variety of types, shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Some are beneficial, others malevolent. Some seek human contact, while others prefer their own company. Some fairies would be delightful to have… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Spriggans by Flossie Benton Rogers

Mythic Monday: Green is the Color

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Green is nature’s color, indicating nourishment and growth. When we see it, we sigh in relief on a primitive level, as it denotes bounty and fruitfulness. The clan will not starve this winter. It is soothing and restful, which is why hospital rooms are often green and actors await their turn… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Green is the Color