Mythic Monday: Sagittarius the Archer by Flossie Benton Rogers

In Greek mythology the immortal centaur Chiron was renowned for his immense learning and passion for teaching. His students included the famous warriors Achilles, Hercules, and Jason of the Argonauts. He himself had been taught by Apollo and Artemis. Like other centaurs, Chiron had the lower body of a horse and the upper body of a man. However, he did not possess the wild, rowdy nature of most centaurs. A highly skilled archer and hunter, he was also a philosopher, a master musician, and an excellent healer. He knew the herbs and methods to treat maladies, had the music of the spheres in his fingers as he played the pan pipes, and could pinpoint the center of a target from a mile away. Tragedy occurred when Hercules accidentally shot Chiron with a poisonous arrow. The great healer could not cure himself, nor alleviate the agony he suffered. Chiron offered to take the place of Prometheus, who was punished by the gods by having his liver devoured by an eagle each and every day. Because of Chiron’s generosity, Zeus placed the wise, respected centaur among the stars.

In the zodiac the sign of Sagittarius is ruled by the vast planet Jupiter. This gives an expansiveness of outlook and expression to those with sun in Sagittarius. Sagittarians are seekers of the uncommon and unknown. They are drawn to the pursuit of ideas and philosophies, especially of an arcane variety. The concept of a mystery school passing down mysterious secret knowledge since ancient eras seems particularly Sagittarian. They can exhibit an earthy wildness at times and are always ready for a new adventure. Typically they like to travel and immerse themselves in foreign culture and language. Sagittarians may have four feet on the ground, and are able to cover a lot of ground, but they invariably shoot for the stars. Boredom is anathema to them, and they despise detailed, tedious work. They are better at starting things than finishing them. For a high quality life they need to be inspired and excited. They value loyalty and passion in a relationship. They make true blue partners and friends and expect the same in return.

Do you have a special Sagittarian in your life?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Ugh! Poor Prometheus…and valiant Chiron for offering to take his place. Those ancient gods were certainly cruel with their punishments. Chiron sounds most noble!

  2. Good for Zeus to honor the generous centaur!
    Sagittarius is an interesting sign of the zodiac. I have a special friend, you, born under this sign. And the description of the sign suits. It is also said they make natural teachers and are very reliable.

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