Mythic Monday: Runes – Hagalaz

Hagalaz1Divination is a way to focus on what matters. It allows us to gain insight into the ripe possibilities of the moment and is best used as a type of meditative effort. With their symbolism and kinship with long ago Germanic cultures, runes are one of my favorite methods.

From the bag of runes, we close our eyes and draw a single stone as we ask a question: What do I need to know about [such and such situation]? If drawing on behalf of another, visualize that person. We must listen with open mind and heart.

Today we look at Hagalaz, a rune that resembles the letter H. It is one of the eight runes of the Norse god of weather, Hagal, and part of the traditional Germanic Futhark or runic alphabet. The tone of Hagalaz denotes elemental power and disruptive forces. Its literal meaning is hailstone. Hagalaz signals a breakthrough, transformation, radical change, and the break of a new day. This powerful rune indicates a major shift toward self-change. Hold on tight, because it is a complete transformation. There is no reverse or upright to this rune. It can feel traumatic, but change usually is, especially when it involves such a drastic adjustment.

If you cast Hagalaz in a rune reading, fate is at work. Seize the moment. Leap when it feels right. You may not know what is going on, but your inner self does. Hagalaz reminds me of The Tower in Tarot. Remember the Tower crumbles so that a new, more authentic abode can be built.

I hope you enjoyed our Rune of the Day. May we all be self-aware enough to cut away and trim the negative and unnecessary from our lives. May we be attuned to any appearance of Hagalaz well in advance so that we can remain centered and calm during its flurry and open to the beautiful new fabric of life. Change is sometimes fun, sometimes distressing, sometimes devastating. How have you handled drastic change in the past?

DemonessDreams_MED (1)Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. I think the older I get the harder it is to embrace change. But that’s usually the case, isn’t it? In the (long ago) past I had decisions to make regarding a career change and I remember how traumatic that decision was. It all worked out for the best though, and looking back on the situation, I’m not really sure why I found it so hard to embrace the change.

    Interesting post, Flossie!

    1. Mae, that’s a good point about change often being a product of a fork in the road, a choice. it’s amazing how tiny choices sometimes have effects we don’t see (but are visible if we look) but big choices remain in our psyche long after.

  2. I agree that this rune has a taste of the tarot tower about it. Such deep seated and rapid onset of change is always unsettling. I know it can take a long time to see the good in some changes but usually you will find it. Thanks for this post, Flossie.

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