Mythic Monday: Rune of the Day – Othila


Divination is a way to focus on what matters. It allows us to gain insight into the ripe possibilities of the moment and is best used as a type of meditative effort. With their symbolism and kinship with long ago Germanic cultures, runes are a fascinating method.

From the bag of runes, we close our eyes and draw a single stone as we ask a question: What do I need to know about [such and such situation]? If drawing on behalf of another, visualize that person. We must listen with open mind and heart.

Today we examine Othila, a rune resembling a diamond or kite with two tails. Part of the traditional Germanic Futhark or runic alphabet, it is one of the eight runes under the auspices of the warrior god Tyr.

The fact that it looks like a diamond with tails is appropriate. Othila depicts an enclosed space denoting home and property. Its meaning relates to prosperity, real estate, and inheritance. The riches come down to us through family, and we are called upon to honor that which has come before, while also remaining attuned to new possibilities. Clans and families banding together for the common good spring to mind. As well as tangible wealth and belongings, Othila stands for our spiritual legacy. It is up to us to nurture and protect our inner spirit, however we may see it. This is a not a time to become an inert stick in the mud. We must be alert to creative opportunities and willing to take calculated risks in order to move forward.

I hope you enjoyed our look at Othila, the Rune of the Day. How does the mad mixture of legacy and entrepreneurial spirit play out in the dynamics of your life?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. I do love your rune posts, Flossie, each one is so interesting. You’ve convinced me I ought to try working with runes and see what I can make of them.

  2. I love tradition and honoring those who came before. It appears that even the ancients did the same, valuing it so highly with a rune to designate home and family legacy. Another interesting post, Flossie!

  3. I agree with Cathy that I always have something to learn from your posts, Flossie!
    An interesting rune. Yes, respect to our past and temerity in our deeds. I so like the name of the rune – Othila!
    I think I will use it as a proper name for a character. we have something close to it in Romanian – Otilia.
    I wonder – is it in rune reading as in Tarot? Is the position important? Has it a different meaning if upturned/
    Thank you for the Monday lesson!

    1. Good point, Carmen– Othila would make an interesting character name. Yes, most of the runes can be cast in reverse. For this one, it would mean to be extra careful not to hold on so tight to the past and possessions that we are blinded to opportunities. Thanks for your supportive comments, Carmen.

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