Mythic Monday: Rune of the Day – Laguz

Runes are fascinating, alluring, and ancient. Over three thousand years Laguzago, runic pictographs were carved into rocks and cliffs in Scandinavia. Two thousand years ago the runic alphabet came into use among Scandinavians and Germanic peoples such as the Anglo-Saxons. Runes were used for writing as well as for magical purposes.

From the bag of runes, we close our eyes draw a single stone as we ask a question: What do I need to know about [such and such situation]? If drawing on behalf of another, visualize that person. We must listen with open mind and heart.

Today we look at Laguz, a rune that resembles a backwards 7 or an upside down L. It is one of the eight runes of the god Tyr and part of the traditional Germanic Futhark or runic alphabet. Its meaning is flow, water, love, emotion, dreaming, lunar energy. The tone of Laguz denotes unity, oneness, creativity, self-transformation, a flowing and feminine fertility, and unseen powers akin to seeds growing beneath the earth’s surface. There is a need to experience life rather than stand off and contemplate it in a cerebral fashion.

If you cast Laguz in a rune reading, seek your intuitive knowing and deepest internal rhythms. The goal is to attune your outer self with your inner. If you feel out of balance or off kilter, it is because you are not listening to your instincts. If that is the case, slow down and don’t allow your mental self or others’ advice to obliterate what your deepest self knows to be true for you. Do not avoid reality or allow fantasy to unfocus your core being. Let others have their own experiences, without trying to control them. Be true to yourself.

I hope you enjoyed our Rune of the Day. May Laguz bring you flowing energy, sweet dreams, and the strength to be yourself. Are you good at listening to the small, still voice within?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. How interesting, Flossie!
    Do you use runes bought from a shop or you made them of some material? Is it important ? I wish I had this ability. I am so attracted to all things paranormal, odd or occult. That’s why i use such elements in my writing too.
    Thanks for the reading today!

    1. The ones I’m showing in the pictures are from a metaphysical shop that used to be in our town. Unfortunately, it’s now closed. The stones are made from amethyst and consist of the Norse array of letters. A long time ago I made a set of runes from small rocks.I have other sets too– including one Sumerian and one Egyptian.

  2. Since my name begins with L, and it has 7 letters, and 7 is supposed to be my lucky number, then Laguz must be my special rune. Very interesting.

  3. I find it so interesting how the runic alphabet was used for so many various markings and undertaking by the Scandinavian & Germanic peoples. I remember spending several enjoyable hours in research for a short story I wrote several years ago. Yet another one I need to dig out of the trunk and dust off. Who knows….maybe that’s the still small voice urging me on 🙂

    1. I remember you mentioning that book, and I look forward to the day you dust it off, Mae. I’ll be your still small voice with every rune post because I want to see that story! 🙂

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