Mythic Monday: Rune of the Day – Isa

What lies ahead is governed by what exists now. To achieve a new path, clear the current roadway. IsaDivination is a way to focus on what matters. It allows us to gain insight into the ripe possibilities of the moment and is best used as a type of meditative effort. With their symbolism and kinship with long ago Germanic cultures, runes are a fascinating method. 

From the bag of runes, we close our eyes an draw a single stone as we ask a question: What do I need to know about [such and such situation]?  If drawing on behalf of another, visualize that person. We must listen with open mind and heart.

Today we look at Isa, a rune resembling the letter I. It is one of the eight runes under the auspices of the Norse god of weather, Hagal, and part of the traditional Germanic Futhark or runic alphabet. The tone of Isa denotes stillness, non-movement, a virtual standstill. Its literal meaning is ice, and the season is winter. Isa signals a time when movement is frozen. Perhaps the heart or mind is also frozen and unable to move forward. Isa often follows a period of tumult and radical change and is a way of protecting yourself while taking time to re-evaluate and decide the best course of action. What you want or think you want is not yet within your grasp, and insisting upon it will not do the trick. You must exercise patience and stillness of spirit.

If you cast Isa in a rune reading, you must be brave. Make it your priority to shed poisonous old self-defeating habits. Release the tormenting self-doubt, guilt, and other repetitive mind loops that keep you in turmoil or create a numbing reality. Cleanse and purify yourself of negative energy that has attached itself to you but is not really yours. This is not done by violent action but rather by mindfulness and a gentle acceptance when these dark feelings come upon you. Don’t fight or reject them. Allow, accept, and then release. The shadow does not control us when we refuse to give it power through self-hatred. Only by a leap of courage in gently letting go of the outworn and outdated will you precipitate the blessed thaw that will bring on renewal. The seed is alive deep within the earth. Soon will come rejuvenation, the greening of life, and the excited activity of spring.

I hope you enjoyed our Rune of the Day. May we all be stalwart enough to release the negative and unnecessary from our lives. Have you had times of enforced stillness and inaction as denoted by Isa? How did you deal with these?

GuardianoftheDeep_SM (1)Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Thank you for this great reading! I think it needs to be a special person the one who does it. and you are special!

  2. Interesting rune, Flossie. I do think that sometimes enforced stillness and being in a holding pattern can be even more challenging than unexpected change. When you want something to happen it is so very, very hard to wait….and do it with grace. I need to work on adapting to those times!

  3. Interesting that today’s rune coincides with my horoscope today which says to be still and wait, to move forward without thought could be costly.

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