Mythic Monday: Libra by Flossie Benton Rogers

Sidney Hall - Urania's Mirror - Libra
Sidney Hall [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Libra is the only constellation in the zodiac that symbolizes an object rather than a person. Libra depicts the scales of Astraea, the goddess associated with Virgo in ancient Greece. In her hands is the opportunity for justice and fairness. In her realm individuals are tried on their own merit, by their deeds, thoughts, and actions. It is her job to maintain a certain detachment during the process, and yet her servant’s heart proved to be large. When all the other gods would leave earth, deserting erratic humanity in its infancy, Astraea vowed to stay until not one human remained. The scales represented by Libra are her conception of truth and justice. Modern astrologers consider Aphrodite or Venus to be the ruler of Libra.

The ancient Babylonians did not recognize Libra as a distinct constellation, viewing it as part of Scorpio. However, the Egyptians saw the scales as Chonsu, the divine child representing death and rebirth. Chonsu reminds me of our Baby New Year. When an individual died, the soul was weighed against the feather of Maat, divine justice. If the soul was slightly heavier than the feather, the soul went on to another cycle of reincarnation. If the scale tipped dramatically, however, weighed down by an individual’s evil, the soul was tossed to a demon to munch on. The scales were also used to measure the heart. The abbreviation of pound, lb, comes from the word libra.

In the zodiac Libra is the seventh sign of marriage, partnerships, and relationships. A more elegant, old fashioned term for scales is balance. It is fitting description for Libra, which seeks balance and harmony in all things and can be overwrought when situations are too far off kilter. Libra has a sparkling personality. They appreciate beauty and can usually find it, even in hidden places. Art, music, and poetry soothe their souls. They are romantic, charming, and innately beneficent. They know how to get things done but in a gracious way. They don’t manipulate. They have a talent for seeing both sides of any given situation. On the negative side, they have to watch out for indecision and an overly lackadaisical attitude at times.

What about it? Do you have any sparkling Libras in your life?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Interesting association the Egyptians made with weighing a soul and deciding on reincarnating it. I believe in reincarnation, a main motive in my books.
    I have a friend born under this sign. Today is her birthday, and the characterization fits her completely. The good features. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I certainly have people who match the descriptions of Libras in my life. There’s also something about measuring balance and scales that has always appealed to me in a mythical way.

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