Mythic Monday: Leo Goddess Saule by Flossie Benton Rogers

Copyright: Photography by Alicia 2013

As the Wheel of the Year touches deep summer, the energy of Leo comes into play. The focus is now upon openness of heart, playfulness of spirit, and boldness of personality. Leo is made for a bright summer day–performing in the spotlight, enjoying being the center of attention, basking in the role of a lifetime. With the energy of Leo we stand stalwart and true, reminiscent of innocent children or a mother watching over her brood. Loyalty takes center field, and appreciation for our loved ones melts our hearts. It is a time of warmth, action, and enjoyable activities. I honor the Balkan goddess Saule as the 2015 patron goddess of Leo.

Saule (pronounced Sow lay) is the great goddess of the Latvian and Lithuanian people. Her name means Little White Sun and her most famous accolade is the same as that of Isis and Diana–Queen of Heaven. She was also deemed the Golden Apple. Saule was admired above all others by the Balkan people as hard working and devoted. Each morning she left her home to drive her chariot across the sky, not stopping until darkness had fallen. She was loyal to a fault. She stood beside her people at birth and death, whereupon she welcomed them into her fragrant apple orchard in the west. The magical trees grew fruit of gold, silver, and jewels. The people raised celebration to Saule in the form of singing, dancing, and rituals. With flowing golden hair, golden raiment, and gleaming silver shoes, she was Mother Sun. The solar crosses across the Lithuanian countryside commemorate her.

May we all be blessed by the graciousness, devotion, and beautiful riches bestowed by the Leo goddess, Saule.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance 

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. What a gorgeous photo. It feels positively otherworldly, so perfect for your post. There are a couple of Leos in my family, and one of them definitely fits the description above…especially the part of about being the center of attention and basking in the spotlight. He should have been a performer, LOL!

  2. My only grandson who turned 6 on 4th August is a Leo. I hope he’ll live a better life guided by his sign and all the gods and goddesses symbolizing it.
    Thank you for a lovely and at the same time informative post, Flossie!
    I learn many interesting things via these posts.

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