Mythic Monday: Crystals and Gemstones – Tiger’s Eye

By Mitchell Gore (Lestatdelc at en.wikipedia) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Tiger’s eye is a lustrous golden brown stone with a semblance of a shining animal’s eye. It has a silky opaque appearance and is a type of quartz of the family of chalcedonies, along with such stones as jasper and agate. Tiger’s Eye is found in Australia, the USA, Canada, South Africa, India, and Myanmar (formerly Burma).

The Doctrine of Signatures is a line of thought originating at the time of the brilliant physician Galen, born in Pergamon, Turkey, and whose ideas and work became known throughout the Greek and Roman world. The doctrine states that nature speaks to us through form and that the appearance of a food, herb, or other natural object maintains correspondence with the human body. Per the doctrine, therefore, tiger’s eye is beneficial for eyesight and eye health. It is also used as a stone of protection to ward off the “evil eye” and any manner of negativity targeted against a person. The Women’s Book of Healing by Diane Stein says that tiger’s eye helps women to see their true selves and real worth.tiger's eye

Per its golden brown color, tiger’s eye is useful in balancing and energizing the solar plexus or 3rd chakra of will, mental clarity, manifestation of desires, and personal power. This is the vortex where the emotions are balanced with the mind and is also our center for assimilation of food into energy. The brown aspect of tiger’s eye enables its effectiveness in grounding us to recognize our true desires and discern the most vital and important ones to our spiritual growth, as opposed to whimsies or phantom desires. The grounding aspect provides a more stable and less volatile energy than some other solar plexus stones. It aids in being strong enough to take charge of one’s life and take the appropriate actions as necessary.

Have you used tiger’s eye or other stones for healing or transformational purposes? What types and colors of stones are you most attracted to?

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. I know absolutely nothing about healing stones, but I’m drawn to blues, various shades of purple and reds.

  2. My knowledge on this topic is a big, fat zero. However, I like amethyst. I had a ring with such a stone years ago but it was stolen, unfortunately.
    Thank you for this informative post!

  3. I love crystals. I have a collection of them and I do use them sometimes. I am an amber person. I have an amber ring I always wear and a pendant. Amber is a very warm stone and has a lot of healing properties.

  4. I love translucent stones like amethyst (a favorite of mine) although I am also drawn to blues. My favorite opaque stone is onyx, though tiger’s eye has its own beauty too.

  5. I never used a stone for healing. I love Tigers Eye, peridot, ruby, emerald, garnet, and smokey quarts. in all truth not many stones i don’t love. I want snow on my website lol I can’t find how to get it.

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