By No machine-readable author provided. Share Bear~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)The Cat Sith or fairy cat is a fearsome feline of Celtic folklore. Known primarily in Scotland, but also in Ireland, she is a huge monstrosity with sharp teeth and claws and bristly fur that stands on end. Her eyes can mesmerize. A patch of white gleams on her chest, glowing like a lantern as she pads across the crags in the moonlight. The favored haunting place for this spectral fright is the Scottish Highlands. The Cat Sith has the uncanny ability to change to a woman nine times, and some proclaim her a witch rather than a fairy. The word sith comes from the word sidhe, which refers to the supernatural fairy folk of the British Isles.
As a child I had numerous black cats and always found them to be good luck. They tended to have Egyptian names such as Nefertiti, Sekhmet, Nephthys, and Smenkhkare. I have mentioned before what a fan I am of the 1930s mummy movies, right?
A cat sith plays a supporting role in Time Singer, book 4 of the Wytchfae series. Her name is Annis, her white patch is in the shape of a star, and she can turn into a woman at will. Fierce and ferocious? To be sure!
Cheers & Happy Reading! Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
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By Flossie Benton Rogers
Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.
I love your poem! I would like to repost it soon, if that’s okay, and would like to follow your blog once I find the right button to click. Thanks again!
I’d never heard of the cat sith…interesting!
I love your poem! I would like to repost it soon, if that’s okay, and would like to follow your blog once I find the right button to click. Thanks again!
Cool info. 🙂
Thank you! I have followed your blog and look forward to reading it.
Likewise! 🙂
Great tale! My last cat, Onyx, was a solid black cat with a tiny white smudge on his chest. He looked much like the cat in your picture.
I like how the Cat Sith can turn into a woman nine times. Very intriguing. And I look forward to meeting Annis in Time Singer!
Onyx is a fabulous name! Nine is a magic number in many tales, isn’t it? I wonder what happens after the ninth time is over– sounds like a good story!
Interesting! I’d heard of the cat sith but knew nothing about their history. Now my head is spinning with ideas. Hmmm!
My head is still twirling too, Loretta!
That was a really interesting post! I love mythology from different regions.
Thanks for stopping by, Vicki. Glad you enjoyed it!