During the day, the deity of the sun harnesses the solar horses and drives a golden chariot across the sky, providing light, safety, and sustenance for humankind. During the night the deity plunges into the dark and desolate depths of the Underworld, temporarily dying, to emerge again the following morning. On another scale, the deity of the sun counts the moments and days of the year, gracing humankind with all the seasons. Order and perpetuity of life exist due to the deity’s strength, wisdom, perseverance, and bounty. Most people are familiar with the Egyptian sun god Ra and resplendent Apollo, who superseded Helios as the Greek god of the sun, but have you heard of these solar deities?
Utu: Sumerian sun god of Mesopotamia, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, or modern day Iraq. Utu’s name is used in many of the official names of the Sumerian kings. It is interesting that Utu was the son of the moon god Nanna. You may recall Utu’s famous sister, Inanna, who descended into the Underworld, being forced to relinquish each of her garments and jewels during the dark, cold descent. The most extended mentions of Utu occur in the Epic of Gilgamesh, where he is the one who helps the hero regain his glory.
Arinna: Sun goddess of the Hittites in the time frame around 1700 BCE and earlier, with the weather god Teshub as her consort. Mortal enemies of the Egyptians, the Hittites lived in the area of Anatolia, or modern day Turkey. Arinna and her family were worshipped in older incarnations prior to the Hittites settling in that region, when the Indo European group called the Hatti inhabited it around 2300 BCE.
Surya: Sun god in the Hindu belief system, the oldest of the Indian religions. He is one of the deities depicted in the Rig Veda, an ancient writing well over 3,000 years old. His people visualized Surya as a red male with three eyes and four arms who drove a chariot led by seven sacred mares. He bestows good fortune and has the ability and inclination to heal the sick. He sometimes takes the form of a stallion, particularly when in the company of his wife Sanjina, who has a problem tolerating Surya’s extreme heat and brightness. To escape, she has the habit of transforming herself into a mare and sojourning in the shadowed forest. It is then that Surya the stallion joins her.
Liza: Sun god of the West African people called the Fon. Liza is the brother and also the lover of Mawu, the Moon. Together with the cosmic serpent Da they created the universe. Under Liza’s direction, their son Gu was instrumental in forming earth and teaching humankind how to bend and manipulate metals to their will.
Lugh: Sun god of the Celts, originally a central European people who spread over other areas, including Ireland. Lugh’s name and myth serve as the origin of the story of King Lear. His grandfather Balor was king of the Fomorians, one of the Celtic tribes preceding the Tuatha de Danann, who worshipped the goddess Dana. As is often the case in mythological lineage, Balor resolved to kill Lugh due to a prophecy that his grandson would defeat him. As is also usual, Lugh was hidden and raised by the god of the sea Manannan. Perhaps the sun god’s association with the sea came about as the Celts sought fertile fresh land and freedom near the ocean waters. As he grew to manhood, Lugh became a skilled warrior. He went to the side of the goddess and the Tuatha to fight against Balor and the Fomorians. After his time, when the Tuatha were defeated and vanquished from their territory, they were immortalized as the fair folk of the mounds, or fairies.
Can you imagine the strength required to hold the solar horses in check as you drive the chariot near the scorching, intense heat and light of the sun? Which sun deity most strikes your fancy?
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance
I was unfamiliar with all of these, with the exception of Lugh. It’s interesting how each culture has their own legends and beliefs related structured around the sun. BTW, that is a gorgeous photo at the top, and fits so well with your post.
Isn’t it though, Mae– I love to find the similarities among cultures. My daughter-in-law took the photo. She catches some amazing scenes.
I am glad I notice in your list female names of sun deities, which is quite rare I think.
The Cult of the Sun and of the Sacred Fire is still to be found in present days in my country. On the great gates posts in all the counties of Romania, are sculpted the symbols of the Sun.
Let me add to your list another Sun deity, that of the Dacians. In both Thracian and Dacian mythology, the god Zalmoxis has attributes of a sky father, connecting him with the Sun. There is even a proof in the existence of a coin from the 6th century BC. On it is represented a person in a horned helmet. He rides in a chariot that is harnessed to a bull. Between them is placed a solar disk.
Thank you for another informative post, Flossie!
Yes, most are male, but it’s always interesting to find the female sun deities, I agree. I love what you shared about the Sacred Fire and Cult of the Sun in your country. I find your culture absolutely fascinating, Carmen. I have taken note of Zalmoxis. I had not heard of him before but love that name.
Lovely post Flossie. I enjoyed it a great deal. I do find it fascinating that so many of the sun legends follow a similar pattern, especially with the chariot. I loved that legend from the first time I heard it. Lugh remains a favourite of mine. Ra is another.
How very interesting Carmen about the sun god deity worshipped in Thrace and Dacia. I wonder if he has anything to do with Mithras?
I’m not very sure, Daisy. Mithras and Helios are sometimes seen as equals, other times Mithras is seen as superior, sol invictus. Mithras is in control of cosmos, so superior to any sun deity. I think I’m in need of another life that I would dedicate studying all these fascinating things linked to history and myths.
Carmen, not recently, but years ago I had some intense vivid dreams about Mithra. I always find him fascinating, and it’s interesting too how many details from his cosmos carry over.
Thanks, Daisy, I’m glad you enjoy reading about the sun deities and I love knowing how much you appreciate Lugh and Ra.