Mythic Monday: 13 Rare Halloween Spooks by Flossie Benton Rogers

Photo by Alicia
Photo by Alicia

It’s almost that splendidly spooky time of year, Halloween, and a chance to scare ourselves with a few creepy creatures! Don’t go out of your way to find these haints, though. In fact, it’s best to give them a wide berth.

Pontianak – a female vengeance demon who was once a woman that died while pregnant or in childbirth. A pontianak feeds on the internal organs of males. She has a foul smell and emits a soft but eerie sound when she comes close to you.

Doppelganger – a double or apparition that looks exactly like you but is not you. Who can forget the episode of Twilight Zone, Mirror Image, where an evil Vera Miles doppelganger appears in a bus station with such a sinister smile? Most often a doppelganger is a harbinger of doom.

Revenant – an etheric spirit that lives on the energy of a living person, sucking out the life force a little at a time over what is often a long period of time.

Will o’ the Wisp – flame like ghost lights that appear in the night forest, often of a greenish hue. Following a beckoning Will o’ the Wisp is usually not a smart course of action.

Wendigo – a Native American demon who possesses humans and turns them into cannibals. An early episode of Supernatural featured a wendigo who almost made lunch of Sam and Dean Winchester.

Baital– a demon spirit that lives in graveyards and inhabits corpses of the dead in order to have a physical body. Like a vampire, a baital or vetala has wings and enjoys drinking blood. ZeusScarycropped

Reptilian – a cold blooded, humanoid entity from another dimension or universe that lacks emotion and seeks to control a human being. A reptilian has the chilling ferocity of a crocodile and, like the revenant, feeds on human energy.

Shadow People – a human shaped being that appears as a shadow, usually of someone we know. Some consider shadow people to be sinister duplicates of ourselves from another dimension.

Black Eyes – a creepy demon that looks like a regular person except for very pale skin and soulless black eyes that show no whites or irises. They most often come in the form of children but can also appear as adults. They sometimes show up on your threshold demanding to be let in. Their intention is to force themselves into a person’s life and take control.

Anti Ghost – a human who pierces time and dimensions to appear as a wraith like being in the past. You could be an anti ghost right now and not know it.

Preta – the spirit of a greedy, selfish person who is doomed to roam graveyards, steal valuables from the dead, and eat rotting corpses. A preta is a type of hungry ghost.

Skunk Ape – a mysterious, bigfoot like creature who lives among the palmetto bushes in the swamps of Florida.

Lady Midday – a female demon who asks questions and beheads you with a scythe if you give the wrong answer. Unlike most spooks, this personification of heatstroke visits only in the hottest part of the day. I met her last weekend at one of my Snickerdoodle’s football games after getting overheated, dehydrated, and having no breakfast.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our foray into the world of scary spooks, and I hope your costume is all ready for October 31st!

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Very cool, list, Flossie, and I “met” several spooky beings I hadn’t known about before. The one that sounds truly horrific is the Pontianak. Eesh! Guess I don’t have to worry about her since I’m a woman, LOL. Happy Almost Halloween!

    1. The Pontianak does heighten the fright level, and the doppelganger really creeps me out as well– must be that Twilight Zone episode. However, I couldn’t believe that it was Lady Midday who really did a number on me!

  2. Some nicely creepy stuff here. 🙂 So now, if my kids complain that they don’t know what to be for Halloween, I’ll just pick one of these, especially for the eldest as he want to look scary. 🙂

  3. My granny saw a headless haint who actually saved them on a dark and stormy night. Creepy! My daddy was six years old and claims he saw it too. Great list, Flossie.

  4. What a great list. They, most, are of the evil type as far as I can see. Creepy!
    Wouldn’t like to rub elbows with any of the above.

    Anyway, you know I am fond of everything paranormal and extraterrestrial. So, I read a while ago that Shadow people could not be ghost as we believe, but visitors from outer space or interdimensional beings. There were frequent reports all over the world about them, even entering vaults in American and Chinese treasury and then, all of a sudden, things were pushed under the carpet as we say here. I have a Pin on this subject in Pinterest.
    Interesting post subject! Thanks for sharing!

  5. They all sound so scary, Flossie! When I was little, my Mexican mother used to scare us with a creature called “Coqui” (sounded like Cookooee) and he was some faceless monster that came after kids who didn’t go to sleep on time! He was more frightening than Dracula or a werewolf. Sometimes the ancient legends are scarier than modern monsters. Thanks for the list and Happy Halloween!

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