Book Review: Taming the Lyon


It is my pleasure to share with you this thrilling, suspenseful historical romance by Loretta C. Rogers. The hero is delicious. The story is riveting. You can’t put it down!

Author – Loretta C. Rogers 

First Published – 2017

Genre – Historical Romance

Setting – Africa, around 1910

Heroine – Dr. Margaret Boynton, recently widowed Englishwoman who undertakes to practice her medical skills in Africa. She is feisty and determined.

Hero – Jeremiah Lyon, hunter and safari guide charged with Margaret’s safety during the dangerous journey to the Angel of Mercy Medical Compound. He is enigmatic and alluring.

Villain – The sinister leader of a secret society of cannibals

Major Theme – Love wins over inner demons, danger, heartbreak, loss, illness, fear, and death.

Descriptors – suspense, danger, adventure, mystery

Favorite Supporting Character – M’pika, Lyon’s blood brother and best friend

Fun Tidbit – In the back of the book is a section of Swahili words, including:simba / lion, timbo / elephant. There is also an excellent discussion list for use by book clubs.

Memorable Line – Warning by boat captain when Margaret leans too far over the side of the boat to peer at a riverbank of crocodiles: “They are particularly fond of English meat.”

Buy Taming the Lyon

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Enjoyed your review, Flossie! I gave my mom a copy of Taming the Lyon. She just started it and asked if Loretta had been to Africa-Loretta has an amazing talent for immersing her readers in the story. I can’t wait until she’s done so I can read it!

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