Tuesday Tales — step inside! Here is where you’ll find cool excerpts produced during smiles, tears, and hours of keyboard pounding. These are unedited snippets from works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m glad you stopped by today. This week’s picture prompt is tea. Make sure to visit the other talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

I rushed into the station and, miraculously seeing Roy near the front desk, grabbed his arm. The uniformed officer beside him tensed, undoubtedly wondering at the wild haired lunatic accosting his superior. “Where’s Debra?”
Roy looked dead tired. “Not here, Peri. She’s in county lockup. You won’t be able to see her tonight. Try in the morning.”
I ran shaking fingers through my expanding mop. Misting rain was not a friend. “You can’t seriously believe she bludgeoned Naomi Upshaw with her own walking cane!”
He pulled me to one side. “The DA does, and with good cause. She was discovered standing over the body. You found her, for God’s sake.”
“That doesn’t mean I think she’s capable of murder. Do you think Bill Lofton would take my call tonight?”
“No. And if he did, there’s nothing he can do until morning. Call him tomorrow, 9 sharp. Now go on home. Get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day.”
Sudden weariness settled into my bones. I nodded, mumbling a half-hearted thank you, and headed back outside. Echoing through my head was Debra’s panic as she was led away. “You’ve got to do something, Peri!”
I slid into the car and pressed the start button. In the morning I’d call Bill and see if he’d take her case. Then I’d head on over to the county seat, maybe stop and pick Debra up a sweet tea on the way. I wondered if they’d allow me to take it in. I hadn’t had occasion to learn such a thing before.
And then—oh my God—I had totally forgotten Debra’s mother. Rowena would have to be notified. A perfectly miserable night settled around me like a shroud.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture prompt tea. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other amazing excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2020 Flossie Benton Rogers
Love the line, A perfectly miserable night settled around me like a shroud. What a fantastic image. Great job.
I’m so glad you loved the shroud line, Susanne. Thank you for stopping by!
Wonderful post as always!!
Thank you!
Nicely done, Flossie. And I loved that closing line!
I’m pleased you loved the closing line, Mae. Thanks!
WooHoo! Great suspense.
Appreciate your feedback, Loretta!
Intriguing close. I loved the use of the prompt
Glad you enjoyed the close and how the prompt was deployed. Thanks for the feedback, Cathy!
This is such an intriguing story! I love that last line, “a perfectly miserable night…” Great writing. As always. And an inventive use of the picture prompt. So now, how is her mother going to handle all this. I can’t wait for this story to be published. I’m buying it, for sure!
I’m so glad you find it intriguing, Jean! It’s my first book in 1st person, and I am enjoying that aspect.
Well done as always. I love the way this is going. And nope, she can’t carry that tea into the jail. LOL! It will have to wait in the car until bail is granted. And I don’t envy her having to tell the mamma that her daughter is in jail for the night. Not fun at all. Looking forward to more. Jillian
Hahahaha, maybe she’ll have to drink it herself. Thanks for the feedback, Jillian!
The mystery deepens! I am so intrigued to find out who is responsible. Great job!
I’m pleased you are intrigued, Tricia. Thanks!